B. pallifina breeding behavior?

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AC Members
Sep 16, 2022
Oh, I'm not sure I understood the OP to be in CA. In NorCal there is a betta society in SF...like many betta sites, mostly splendens but others too! Look around!

In early May my SF bay area plant club will be having a meet in Oakland. I plan to come. PM me if you might want to come. You'll have to join with your actual real name, that's what we do. A bit less active since covid but still fun...Think about it! But think fast! 2 weeks or so, time's running out!

Fallen Leaves, are you in Nor Cal? Pm me if you are & want more info, I'll help as best I can...
Sorry for the late reply! Unfortunately, I live on the other side of the country, in NC... Wish I could go, it sounds like a lot of fun. I'm a bit too far away to attend, but maybe someday I can. Thanks for the recommendation, though!


AC Members
Sep 16, 2022
It is pretty simple. When one is serious about successful spawning and subsequent raising of fry, in most cases this requires a species tank. I say most because some fish spawn and depossit there eggs with those of another species to beraised by that other species' parent(s).

With most bettas you need to separate the parents after a successful spawn. The only bettas I have spawned were imbellis. However, I also spawned one mouth brooding cichlid- P. nicholsi. But the mom held the eggs until they were free swimming and let them out. The male had to be removed as soon as she was holding because he harassed her all the time.

The first spawn was a success and mom spit a nice brood of young and I was quite happy. 36 hours later there were no fry left- she ate them all. So the next time I stripped her when she was close to spitting and put the fry in the tank and she went elsewhere. I did this by netting her and while in the net in a bucket of water I raised her to be partly above the surface and she began spitting. I lowered the net and then maneuvered to to release the fry into the bucket. I then raised her again and she spit some more. I got alll the fry out that way.

I managed to grow out the fry. When I had reunited the mom and dad after the first spawn, he killed her and had to grow out a dayghter to get another spawn. Ultimately I sold some of the kids and then gave the rest and the parents away to a friend.

The point is, breed your fish in a dedicated tank. Be able to remove one parent after a spawn. Be prepared to remove the other when the fry are spit.

As for finding the needed male, and getting better info than I can offer, have you tried the IBC?

I know nothing about these guys but they are in CA. The have what you want in stock: https://bwaquatics.com/products/6qkuko5edszpeouygearvg6ca9e5y1

They also have imbellis.
Thanks! Will invest in a separate system once I can get a pair formed again. Also appreciate the links; contemplating whether I should bite the bullet and get that remaining female in stock at BWAquatics 🤔
Not sure if I quite fancy the idea of a paid membership for IBC, but it certainly seems like a great comprehensive resource.
Those nicholsi that you bred sound brutal... I was contemplating the idea of picking up a pair somewhere down the line, but I think I might reconsider that now.


Mar 29, 2005
Sorry for the late reply! Unfortunately, I live on the other side of the country, in NC... Wish I could go, it sounds like a lot of fun. I'm a bit too far away to attend, but maybe someday I can. Thanks for the recommendation, though!
There's a good, long established, aquarium society in Raleigh if that's close enough for you.

They put on an annual aquarium workshop and have a big auction yearly too

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AC Members
Jan 28, 2019
Sorry for the late reply! Unfortunately, I live on the other side of the country, in NC... Wish I could go, it sounds like a lot of fun. I'm a bit too far away to attend, but maybe someday I can. Thanks for the recommendation, though!
I think there is some sort of show coming up or maybe it passed; JDaquatics follows these things since he lives in NC (probably why you purchased from him). I know zilch about betta of even alpha so i won't comment on that issue.
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