Breeding bladder snails for assassin

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AC Members
Jul 31, 2022
I have one assassin snail with an uncontrollable appetite. I dropped 6 bladder snails in his tank and they were all eaten within 3 days, possibly 2 days. So now I have obtained about a dozen more and am breeding them separately for now. How many should I have before adding to the tank so that sammi the assassin will not eat them all. I’m hoping for population control not eradication. I have a 10 gallon with Java broadleaf and windelov and Anubias. Also 4 neons and 4 embers. 3 mommy fish laid eggs that were all eaten recently. Parameters perfect and holds steady.


Eheim User
Feb 9, 2005
Medina, Ohio
Real Name
You can also supplement feed them using carnivore pellets or other high protein fish food including flake food.


AC Members
Jul 31, 2022
Yes I’m aware of this. He has subsisted on flake, bug bites, and raw shrimp bits for a couple months. However, when I gave him the bladder snails he turned into a whole new man and came alive in my tank. So I want him happy.


AC Members
Jul 31, 2022
Do you think it’s possible for 30 tiny bladder snails to hold a cycle on a 10 gallon? Or would they not create enough ammonia to really require it? I was thinking to cycle their new filter in my main tank but don’t want to waste my time if it’s just going to crash. Any thoughts?
Apr 2, 2002
New York
Assassins also love Hikari algae wafers:

I started with about 15 acquired a few weeks apart. I have sold or given away 100s and have many more in at least 6 tanks. But I breed fish and have to feed fry often which means pond snails galore. So I move them from grow tanks to tanks with assassins.
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AC Members
Jul 31, 2022
I have moved my bladder snail colony from the jar to a real tank. 10 gallon with light and filter. It’s running for a week and no ammonia. I don’t think those little snails can create enough to start the cycle. I’m wondering if my filter is too strong for them. They have made a mass exodus to the other side of the tank. When I saw one crawl on the bottom of the tank too close to the filter overflow his shell looked like it was going to be ripped off. Kinda like your hair in a wind storm. Is the filter really necessary?


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I have pond (bladder) snails in my "river-ish" tank, they don't seem to mind the flow. Mine like to hang in the filter intakes especially if there isn't a sponge prefilter. Maybe yours are just wimps? LOL

I have pretty soft water these days & snails seem to stay fairly small. I think there's not enough calcium etc. I have trouble keeping shrimp & ramshorn snails for long. Have you checked your GH?

Maybe you only need a sponge & air pump filter. What size is your tank & filter? Really, I'd go with what you already have rather than investing in more equipment just to feed your assassin...cute as he may be. Both dudley & 2tank have offered good ideas for alternative foods.


AC Members
Jul 31, 2022
Well I feel a little silly now. I figured out what that knob is on top of the filter box. It’s to turn the flow down. I thought the knob at the bottom of the box that tilts it was for that. So now I have it on the lowest setting and the snails seem much happier. It was on high which was rated for 30 gallon. It was creating a stir the pot type situation. Now it’s set appropriately for 10 gallon. The tank, light, and filter were all free hand me downs so not much invested but no instructions. I did purchase a dollar prefilter though. My water is super soft out the tap at 6.8 and no kh. I added crushed coral to the filter and added 2 cuttlebones held down with plant weights. The snails seem to love the cuttlebones. They always sitting on them. Kinda looks like little surf boards lol. Brought my hardness up to 6dgh and 5dkh and ph 7.8
As a side note I was next door to petco the other day and decided to go in just to look. Came out with 2 hornwort plants that were infested with snails and clearanced for $2. Next day realized I now have mini ramshorn snails also. Ain’t this a fun experience.
how often you think I should do pwc? Can I not clean the glass? I’m hoping for some algae to grow for them. Been leaving the lights on about 12 hours/day.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
12 hours is a long time to have lights on. I go for 6 or 8 at most & I have some but not a ton of algae. I (well, really my husband ;) )cleans the front glass say maybe monthly or so.That leaves side & back glass for algae growh & animal grazing

I "try" for water changes every week but in some tanks it's more like 2 or even 3 weeks sometimes...My tanks are heavily planted & lightly stocked with animals. More WCs are better almost always...but do the best you can. Every tank is different, it's about finding a balance for your tank(s)


AC Members
Jul 31, 2022
I thought since it’s a pest snail only tank it wouldn’t need pwc so often. I do wc every week for my fish. This morning I woke up to a dozen egg patches all over front and sides of glass so probably won’t be cleaning the glass for a while.