Does Keeping fish have any health benefits?

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Mar 29, 2005
It has been long spoken that there are 2 species or local variants of panda Garra, I don't think both act the same nor are the same size, just look very similar.

We have had both larger and smaller.. never tried to pet them,but the larger ones did jump out of the water mid water change, and slide down the glass, rasping algae as they went.

If you are going to pet fish, don't get venomous ones or ones that can seriously cut or bite you.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Good advice dougall. Nobody likes venomous but petable fish...I'm not sure I'm the right person to have a garra opinion, I only had them the 1 time, but they were very pretty & not jumpy at all...


Mar 29, 2005
They have never jumped out of the tank on us . But they would definitely jump onto the tank walls.

Really awesome fun fish..

For me, it's most relaxing to see decent sized groups of small fish interacting with each other.. or the tireless action of shrimp.

Personally I want to just house the fish and provide for them.. let them take care of themselves rather than me taking care of them.

I want to spend my time just watching them rather than having them do things for me . Like petting them, or the whole rigmarole of breeding them . I know folks that are really into breeding fish but it's just not for me.. I'm too lazy to handle the live foods and separating fish etc.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I don't want to breed & raise fish much any more either, but I do like watching breeding & fry tending behaviors (if any). I can enjoy the odd survivor with little effort on my part. My sewellia lineolata loaches are pretty much there with a new fry or 3 every year or 2. They grow very slowly. I think my oldest sewllia loaches are starting to die out. I've had them from 2012. I got them from a breeder near me on AC.

I don't think I might have kept these fish until I had to start over on a coast to coast move. Having to give up all my wonderful loaches was very hard, I cried a few times. But it also gave me new opportunities & that's been fun. A new plant club I love, & fish club & shop options. My tank is always at least half full, lol. I'm an optimist!