euthanization of fish

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Registered Member
Sep 21, 2006
Lupin Information Super Highway/Goldfish Informati
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they think it will live better but in many cases the fish either dies from starvation and poor water (lots of pollution = death) or they take over the ecosystem and destroy everything else in their path. I generally equate it to setting humans free into our natural habitat. For some reason most people don't like the idea of getting dropped into the African grasslands to fend for themselves, free of the constraints of civilization and the "silly laws" that govern us (like, oh, i don't know, laws against putting animals into the wild who are not from there....)

I think in the past week I've refused sale of fish to at least 6 people because when I was describing water changes and ammonia the answer was "well who cares, its just a fish right?" "i'm sorry sir, I think you should shop elsewhere for your fish"
Well put.:thumbsup:


AC Members
Sep 17, 2007
I heard from many fish keepers putting the fish in Listerine is an instant kill, and smelling good friendly :X.


Registered Member
Nov 4, 2007
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
why? if the fish is dying anyway why not let it experience freedom? even if it strugles and sinks to the bottom, it got to be free.
It's not always YOUR fish to worry about, it's the others out there. The fish may be dying in the aquarium due to various treatable conditions - suggest you try them out first.
Depending on the species of the fish you intend to free, the effects on the local environment may vary - it may be exotic and destroy the local fish stock. Hope it's not a snakehead or some other large predator.
If you've got to do it, be responsible. Freezing works.


Fish & Visitors Smell in 3 Days...
Feb 27, 2007
New Hampshire
I heard being frozen is like being lit on fire, very painful. Can anyone confirm this?
Actually, no. I do swift water and frozen rescues with local FDs and F&G. In both cases people resesitated(sp?) commonly share the same experiences: A light being closed in on all sides by darkness and a sense of calm, peace. In fact most people say it's like falling asleep and "being embraced".

We are instructed that one of the real danger signs is from someone refusing blankets or dry clothes. In the extreme cases of hypothermia people actually feel warm and comfortable. The cold and shivering are the 2nd and 3rd phase, which pass as the body begins to shut down functions not required to keep it's core temp up for survival.

The "Pain" comes from shock. This can easily be done 2 ways: Either by cooling down too quickly (which quickly passes; put your hand in a bucket of ice if you don't believe me and be amazed that in less than 2 minutes you will have no feeling and very slugish movements!) or from rescue personnel heating a victom up too fast. One of the worse things we can do is to apply heat a cold victom.

The burning sensation, that I am familiar with, often comes from Frost-bite, which takes a loong time to develop as the muscles die off, or again heating a victom too quickly.

Just my experience.

I end suffering when it's the only recourse by setting a bowl of water in the freezer. I wait the extra time needed to ensure that the water surface has iced over well enough that I need to use a spoon to break the surface (the water underneath is liquid) and I place the poor fellow in this. It's near instant as can be I guess.... :(


AC Members
Sep 25, 2007
Newton Falls, OH
i dont care. all this is screwed up! unless the fish is dying you should give it away!


AC Members
Jan 7, 2007
I've been reading this thread with great interest. I think I'd prefer the clove oil method, but haven't been able to find any. I thankfully don't need it yet, but I'd rather be prepared for when the time comes.

The only stuff I've been able to locate is an essence of clove oil at the health food store (like a perfume, I guess), or Ambusol liquid for toothache, which doesn't list clove oil in the ingredients. Will either of these work? I've been all over looking...