extreamly tickkkkkkkkkked

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AC Members
Dec 14, 2002
detroit michigan
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i m getting sick of buying fish and haveing them die and i m about to through my tank on the front lawn with a sign saying for free please take i have about $120 worth of fish that are sick i have a king tiger pleco that wont eat plenty of drift wood in the tank and good water quality but hes withering away i have a rare catfish that has hole in the head disease i have a clown catfish that wont eat either and i found the nicest looking firemouth ive ever seen with lots of blue and red in him and now he has tiny little white spots that are not ich i am totaly fed up all the fish looked heathy when i bought them right now i m trying two different medications and i guess ill ride it out to see what happans :mad:


AC Members
Jan 6, 2003
Vancouver BC
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are you taking extra attention to the rest of their tank mates in the store? I've got a store near me that you need to really look at their fish, there's always sick or dead fish there. Also did you cycle your tank? that could cause your fish to be swimming around in their own waste making them sick. It sounds like A) you either don't take proper care of them B)didn't make the proper precautions when buying live animals C) didn't cycle your tank.
another thing pleco's don't EAT drift wood, they clean the algae off them. You have to feed him spirulina discs, especially if it's a new tank...there'll be no algae. The white spots on your firemouth ARE probably ich, you may just not be treating properly(82f w/ no carbon pouch in your filter for 48 hours, if no results try try again till it's gone). Hole in head is pretty serious and it's probably a result of your tank not being cycled or sick fish in store syndrome. Also you can't just throw a few fish in a tank together they all require different water parameters. Research before you buy.
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AC Members
May 15, 2002
Louisville, Ky
I dont think mixing 2 medications in tank same time would be good thing to do either. You need to take deep breath, try giving detail to how, when problems started and your tank readings. No one likes losing fish, but if provide some information, there are very knowledge people in this forum, that would be glad to help in trying save your fish.


Kissin' the Sky
Dec 17, 2001
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The king tigers may eat the driftwood actually, though I'm not to sure. Several plecos need it, such as the royal and a few other panaques. It's really only a supplement though, and I agree with the comment on making sure that you have algae tablets. I've never heard of a cat that has hith, though I'm sure it's possible, although that's usually brought on by poor water quality. Just what kind've cat is it? Also, what're the rest of the tank parameters?


Senior Member, Sophomoric Attitude
Feb 16, 2002
Syracuse, NY
I'll give you the benefit of doubt and assume you didn't buy a tank and $120 worth of fish to plunk in it. You've probably done some research, but know that there is a lot of bull$&!* out there. Take a breath, ask and answer some questions on the boards and do some more research. You may have to start over but it's all a learning process. Slow and easy. skepticalaquarist.com is a great site to check out.
Have you measured the water parameters? Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Ph, Gh, Kh. All the info you can give will help. Hang in there!


AC Members
Dec 14, 2002
detroit michigan
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ok heres the deal. yes some plecos do eat driftwood. i know royals do for a fact they ll eat the silicone in a tank too if they dont have wood. ive had it happan. as far as experence ive been keeping aquariums for 12 years and ive bred some tough fish rams filametosa s ect. the tank is established no nitrite amonia and i have heavy filtration ugf 2 powerheads magnum 350/biowheels rio 1200 pump with a lifegard fluidized sand filter. what i think happand is i did nt see anything on any of the fish when i bought them. i looked at them and their tankmates. one of them had velvit and brought it in and the all caught it. as far as the catfish with hole in the head i did nt see it when i bought him i havent seen him in a week and i just noticed it. what i m treating with is a parasite med and an antibiotic


a.k.a. achu
Dec 1, 1999
Austin, TX
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Sounds like you could use a quarantine tank to isoloate your new purchases before adding them to your main tank.
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