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I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts
Jan 3, 2004
Sorry but working at a LFS no matter the size does not qualify as to being an expert about anything to do with fish. 8" is one of the larger sizes and for some of the larger species, but very few people and pet stores make the distinction between the species. Regaurdless a 17 gal is not suitable for them.


AC Members
May 12, 2002
Minneapolis, MN
I didnt deserve that and I doubt you know more than I
Have you spawned jewels I HAVE!!! along with around 30 other species.I
know enough to run a 450 tank 20,000 gallon import/wholesale/retail by myself on a friday night.
My customers love me and I allways do right by them and the fish.
I saw over 2000 species of fish/livestock last year..
There tank is fine for now a 17 gallon is a nice home for awhile even
if if the have the ones that get 8".


AC Members
Apr 24, 2005
I am sticking with the jewels. Within the next two years I will have a 90+ gallon tank anyway, so my fish won't be held back in their growing. As for the little tiff we have going on here, I would say to lighten up Nataku and have a little respect for those who may have more experience than you. The priggishness of the attitudes that the members of this board have is why you all are so worried about looking behind your backs for trolls instead of just having fun with the hobby. I am a responsible fish keeper and know that my aquarium will be succesful because I'm confident that the size of my tank will adequately house a pair of jewels. To all of the members who've posted; thank you for your replies.


I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts
Jan 3, 2004
Its too small, period. Its not a proper environment for those Jewels, you ask for advice then turn around and slap people in the face when its not what you want to hear.

Fishy, ever think that maybe I have been in the same situation? Probably not. I liken breeding jewels to being african convicts, not much more.


American Idiot
Aug 23, 2005
Hastings, NE

botias and plecos can handle the jewls
Mar 10, 2005
Columbus, OH
im sorry but I find nataku to be one of the most experienced fish keepers on this forum. I can always rely on him/her for an honest answer with almost any species. I tend to believe that somebody who is in the process of raising around the neighborhood of 60 discus fry may know what they are talking about... call me crazy. I have never had affricans but I know that I would never even think to put them in a small tank like that because of how quarelsome they are plus they usually get huge. Being in a small tank will still stunt your fishes growth in those two years. Im sorry if I caused problems but I think nataku should be given some more respect... also if you are going to post questions listen to what 99% of the people on here said not just what one person said... I also worked at a LFS for years and my parents owned one, does that mean I am all of a sudden fish expert? no, I always come to the forum to ask questions


I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts
Jan 3, 2004
Raising Discus does not by any means qualify me as an expert in anything at all. I can teach/show anyone how to sucessfully keep and raise discus. Its just a matter of wanting to learn, and actively searching out that information to extend your knowledge. Something I do on a regular basis

Finn does have a point that nothing is set in stone, however what she is advocating would be like me advocating that its ok to keep two male bettas and 3 female bettas together in one tank just because I have done it with no problems and the 5 of them formed a shoal. I would never ever advocate to anyone to try that even though I have succesfully done it, it was simply an expiriment I tried based on my knowledge and understanding of the behavior of those fish and watching for changes in their behaviors to indicate to me if things would become a problem. Most people do not recognize some of the subtle changes in the way a fish moves, reacts to, or responds to other fish, but these can be BIG clues as to what they are thinking. Until you gain this knowledge from watching and begining to understand the behaviors of fish extensively, you shouldn't try things that have a high risk of failing and end up causing injury or harm to the fish.


AC Members
Jan 16, 2005
Northeast Connecticut
OH PLease..... :rolleyes: Blah Blah Blah !

Boys...Boys......go sit in a corner for a bit and settle down ! Nat....Goose came in with a gave him your advice as to what you thought would be the thing to do....he read it, considered it I'm sure, but even if he didn't consider if very hard....he decided to do his own thing....your responce, if any, should have been..."OK.....I advise against that but it's your tank and your fish. Have fun, hope it works out ok for you". And... you know....someone who really loves the hobby would sincerely hope it DID work out !

Nat, don't get your feelings hurt so quickly when someone decides to do something other than what you advise....what's it to you if they don't ? While involved in this hobby there is one thing I have learned.......not everything works out the same for everyone ! Some people have good luck doing things one way....that same way doesn't always work for someone else. If those fish are going to grow too big for the tank, I'm sure he will find that out and then do something to correct it...even so, I'm certainly sure he has plenty of time before they get to the point where he will have to do anything about it !

Jeepers....I feel like everybodies MOM here !!! :rolleyes: no one asked me....but I have to break up nonesense like this all the time here at home...I have 3 kids and 2 of them are's just an old habit that comes with parenting...sorry if I butted in where I'm not welcomed..but my advice to you kids is to chill out and just enjoy the hobby without trying to force everyone to do things your way !