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Global Moderator
Aug 27, 2002
Roselle Park, NJ
Real Name
Emg said:
Jeepers....I feel like everybodies MOM here !!! :rolleyes: no one asked me....but I have to break up nonesense like this all the time here at home...I have 3 kids and 2 of them are's just an old habit that comes with parenting...sorry if I butted in where I'm not welcomed..but my advice to you kids is to chill out and just enjoy the hobby without trying to force everyone to do things your way !
this thread had the ingredients needed to potentially get ugly. I welcomed this response, Emg. I also agree, not everyone is going to have the same opinions as everyone else. If it works for someone, fine. Then maybe say it may have worked for some time but the longterm effects may be blah blah blah. Saying to someone though that it can work blah blah blah then ending in a short sentence that it's good for the time being, in my opinion misleads the reader. Some may not see it past "it's ok" and then wind up with sick or dea fish 6 months down the line wondering where they went wrong.. I, myself wouldn't start a fish in a tank that would not provide for it for the duration of the fish due to stunting and other problems... but people will still do it although with hope and education, they will think a little harder about their choices once the downfalls are presented.

(Emg, you're not the only ranter here ;) )


AC Members
Jan 16, 2005
Northeast Connecticut
I understand that Doll...but you can't harang anyone into doing something they don't want to do. To warn them without getting rude about a good thing...but when they decided not to take the advice offered I see no reason whatsoever to get so offended and nasty about it. Jeesh...grow up !

Some folks just have to see for themselves...and there's nothing wrong with that in my opinion.
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Global Moderator
Aug 27, 2002
Roselle Park, NJ
Real Name
I totally agree... there will be those that ask for advice and still do what they want or what they feel is best ... and yes, that's no reason to take things personally.... just know it's not your tank and at least you warned them and move on.... perhaps the first mistake for those asking is not following your advice (hypothetically), the next will be a lesson to them to maybe follow it next time. *sigh*


AC Members
Jan 16, 2005
Northeast Connecticut
lol Doll...I seldom rant on the forums I visit...I do my best to be polite and helpful as much as I can....and keep a bit of humour on the side. I had just had to deal with an issue with my kids before getting to this thread....LOL....put me over the edge a bit... :rolleyes:
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AC Members
Jan 16, 2005
Northeast Connecticut
I think your right...though I am also thinking we shamed those guys into a humorously meek "OK Mommie" from one of them would have been quite funny and ended the whole discussion in a nice way....... Ya gotta Love em ! :D
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AC Members
May 12, 2002
Minneapolis, MN
NatakuTseng said:
Raising Discus does not by any means qualify me as an expert in anything at all. I can teach/show anyone how to sucessfully keep and raise discus. Its just a matter of wanting to learn, and actively searching out that information to extend your knowledge. Something I do on a regular basis

Finn does have a point that nothing is set in stone, however what she is advocating would be like me advocating that its ok to keep two male bettas and 3 female bettas together in one tank just because I have done it with no problems and the 5 of them formed a shoal. I would never ever advocate to anyone to try that even though I have succesfully done it, it was simply an expiriment I tried based on my knowledge and understanding of the behavior of those fish and watching for changes in their behaviors to indicate to me if things would become a problem. Most people do not recognize some of the subtle changes in the way a fish moves, reacts to, or responds to other fish, but these can be BIG clues as to what they are thinking. Until you gain this knowledge from watching and begining to understand the behaviors of fish extensively, you shouldn't try things that have a high risk of failing and end up causing injury or harm to the fish.
yes you are completely right there! Unfortunatly my first tanks were all trial and error.
I fight the good fight but I can tell he is going to keep those fish in that tank
and actively seek out new tankmates.I will warn him and give him a choise or two for dither fish that might live and not add to much more crowding.
Another problem with some of all you advice is if you keep these fish in Ideal perfect water (not talking nitrogen cycle) they fight twice as hard and twice as often a little off is OK were not trying to spawn them yet.
I sell fish to a bunch of jerks with piranna at work i have gotten at least 30 of them to use pellets by telling them the healt probs and toxins involved with feeders here is the KEY! without losing the other 100 weekly feeder buyers because I preached pellets to them to mant times and pissed them off.
We cant answer questions by condeming people and giveing them absolutly no choises they wount return the fish. Now they dont want to come here AC because they are embarrased.They now will only listen to the guy selling him fish telling them anything to make the sale.
I have to comprimise my ethics all the time and just bite my tounge but its allways a pay off when some of them listen to me and correct their mistakes.

BTW I'm male dont know why I'm female in my profile
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