New 90L Betta Barracks...

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Jun 23, 2008
Cairns, Australia.
wish i had time and place to build something like that for my betta
I have no room to spare either. I live with my GF in a small unit in a complex of about 20 others. You don't need much room, just imagination! :)

mm i don think they hold up that long in the water , as u know it design to stay on dry place ,( just test it on a small piece , put it in the water for days and see how s it :) ) and one thing else , u sure those aren t toxic or make the water toxic if they stay long in water ?
You're the third person that has mentioned these points to me, today... I think I'm going to need to research this some more. I am now officially worried.

the T bar pvc will have holes on it yeah, am i right ? ? what if u try another T shape bar ( with smaller diameter ) for the pump out-take ? to level the output of the pump output ( and the in-take of separate rooms ) same ?
Right and right! You can see the location for the holes in the PVC pipe in one of the pics. I'll drill those out tonight. I have some 15mm OD pipe (12mm ID) that fits over those black fittings super-tight, no glue needed. That material will do for the siphons and spray bars.

Thanks for the input everyone! Hopefully no too far to go, now... :)


\m/ \m/
Jul 8, 2008
before i forget again
...but since I'm here, what's the story with plumbers glue and toxicity in water? I guess it must be potable, as they use it domestically... I need to figure a way of attaching the backing pieces smoothly.
i already use plumbers glue , i donno exaclty what it s but that s one the hardware store gave me and ensure me that as it dry it will not be toxic in water ! so i trust him , and give it a shot and use it in the overflow system with pvc pipes i made for my 20g :)
I have no room to spare either. I live with my GF in a small unit in a complex of about 20 others. You don't need much room, just imagination!
me too i m an a very small unit in a complex with 16 other units !but hopefully i m livin alone :p any way good luck :)


Did you hear that?
Jun 20, 2008
Charlotte, NC
Well you have officially inspired me. I have been thinkin and drawing ideas all night. I am going to modify it a little bit though. I am going to make it longer by about 4 inches and a little wider. Also one compartment is going to be bigger than the other. Unfortunately I still don't really get the whole water back into the compartments thing. I believe that the slots are meant to be there because the spray bar is going to be angled towards them and the water is going to crash through them? Or is it that the water level is going to be up to about the bottom of the slots, and when the water comes down frm the spray bar, it will topple over the slats correct? And the little blcak tubes on the bottom will go straight into the uptake pvc? Oh ok if that is it it makes a little bit more sense.

But my idea, I am going to have the pump farther up, then when it goes over the peak, that is when it is going to go down into the filter so to say. But I am going to get a larger diameter PVC and adapters, so there is alot of room for the media. Then I will probable incorporate your spray bar idea. The thing that is going to impact my decisions is the black tubes on the bottom, do they go directly into the pvc bar?

And how do you regulate the velocity of the water coming out the spray bar between the different points? it would weem to me that more water would come out nearer the main tube causing more water to splash over the intake grates in the middle four compartments.


Jun 23, 2008
Cairns, Australia.
You almost have it, lucky. The idea of the slots is to handle varying water levels. We get alot of humidity, and therefore evaporation, in my area, so water levels could drop an inch in a few days. The water level ideally should always be near the top of those vents, but if it drops, there will be no interruption to flow, as I had in my last setup which used a series of 5mm holes for flow. Very sporadic, and hard to maintain with the varying levels.

The spary bar will be positioned down low in that rear compartment, shooting straight into the floor, not directly at each set of slots. It's my hope that shooting the spray bar straight down will give a gentle churning effect to the water surface, which will then trickle (not charge) thru the slots. As for velocity control, I think I'll mount an irrigation valve before the spray bar, or cut three of the six vanes from the impeller (effectively halving it's output), or do both.

If that's not confusing you enough, consider this for your design:
You could easily turn that rear area into a "sump" type filter. You could connect the powerhead outlet to the fittings at the bottom, drill multiple holes in the PVC "T" and cover everything (up to just below the vents) with media. This way, water would pump into the compartments at the bottom, and overflow out the vents, down thru the media at the back, up the PVC and out the powerhead again. That sort of system would have about 25L of filter volume (in my application) and likely handle a (relatively) massive bio-load. The reason that I discounted this plan, was that I wanted any waste on the floor of each compartment to have a better chance of being sucked away and into the filter system. This is my only concern with overflow systems used by Reefers (and some Freshies), waste doesn't float, therefore it sits on the substrate



Did you hear that?
Jun 20, 2008
Charlotte, NC
That is true, waste does not float. I actually really like your first idea. So the actual intak tube going to the filter will b the black tubes at the bottom correct? I like that better. I actaully don't really get the whole sump idea. Please explain a little more. My bio load will differ, because I want this to be for whatever fish that my current breeding project is.



Jun 23, 2008
Cairns, Australia.
OK. Just spent the past 3 hours drawing this up, scanning to file, then figuring how to turn an Adobe file into something that Photobucket will accept... There's sixty bucks my boss won't ever get back!! :grinyes:

The original plan, which I will use (have a look at some of the pics above for clarification)

...and the "sump" idea...

Does that help??


Did you hear that?
Jun 20, 2008
Charlotte, NC
Yes it does and your welcome for getting you 60 dollars of relative fun! :) Ok I get it now thanks alot. I am thinking about maybe using a premade tank like a 35 or something. Or get glass cages, dependin on the price. How much did it cost to build the tank only? Thanks.


Jun 23, 2008
Cairns, Australia.
This tank is getting waay outta control, dollar wise. The glass cost $126, Australian (which in the current climate is equal to about three bucks fifty, US). Silicone (2 tubes, cos I redid it) $6 each (15c, US). If you know anyone in the business, you could get the glass pretty cheap, I'd reckon. Or, if you have the skills, get some scrap pieces and cut it yourself...


Jun 23, 2008
Cairns, Australia.
The slots would work as an overflow. But I don't like the idea of all the muck settling on the compartment(s) floor(s), or worse, being blown around by waterflow all day.

I just prefer that it all get sucked up and dealt with. Less for me to vacuum :)