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Seeker of Piscean Wisdom
Apr 10, 2009
San Francisco
Hey I'm back online after a prolonged health crisis (and housing and financial) , further mention of which has no place here but suffice it to say it was terrible. What's good is I had time to sit and think a lot and I thought a lot about aquariums, just waiting to be able to set one up.

Well, I've got six; four cycling and two unfortunately were cycle but I caused a massive algae die-off and they're still only partly through this second cycle. My poor fishies! Anyhow the water is clear, the plants are growing, not dying, and the fish have their color back and attack their fish food vigorously once again. The NH3/NH4 in ten gallon is 0.25ppm and the pH is 6.6 but the NO2 is 5ppm. In the five gallon (the one with the guppies) it's 0.25ppm and 0.25ppm.

For lighting I use clamp-on workshop lamps with 15w spiral, self ballasted CFL "bulbs" at 5500K. I use 15w/5gallon, approximately20 inches from the bottom of the tank. I have no idea what that means,but the plants grow well, the fish seem comfortable, and algae is not rampant. The massive algae die off happened when I realized the light was way too bright when I just clamped the lamps to the tank itself and I moved them way back and kept them off except for four hours a day. By the time I realized what I'd done, it was too late; the algae was dead and rotting.

Filtration in each is from a 58gpm powerhead with adjustable flow down to something ridiculously low, with custom mechanical filters I made from scrub pads and an open cell sponge I bought at the dollar store. I wring them out once a day 'cause they filter out almost all the gunk that tries to pass through it seems.

I have a third large tank, around 7 gallons I'd guess unless my five is really less than five. I plan to raise shrimps in it, endlers in the guppy tank (with the guppies somewhere else by then), and Celestial Pearl Danios in the 10 gal. Perhaps with another breed of shrimp in the 10 with the CPDs.

The cylindrical tank,well, it was photographed with water from the guppy tank in it, baby guppies, and a little bit of plant life but it was all removed right after and it's still cycling. I stir it twice a day.

im000056.jpg im000062.jpg im000093 (Modified).jpg


AC Members
Nov 4, 2006
Panama City, FL
Real Name
Wow, so sorry to hear about all you've been through :( Hope it's getting better!

I've never seen filters (or are they powerheads?) like that - interesting. Do you know anything more about them? They seem like a great nano tank option, I'd like to look into something to add to my 5 gallon Eclipse hex (the built in filtration is pitiful).

I bet with just a little bit of work you'll be able to rehab your tanks. I don't know anything much about DIY CO2 but I bet your tank could use some, the plants look like they need to bush out a bit more. From time to time members on here have RAOK (random act of kindness) threads where they'll give away plant trimmings for the price of shipping, I bet some kind of running/creeping plant like mini vals or dwarf sag would really do the trick in your tank, maybe with some driftwood, such as Manazanita or ribbon wood to add interest here and there.


;sup' dog? ;woof and a wwwoof!
Jan 21, 2009
WELCOME BACK DEE!!! sorry for yelling. ;)

sorry to hear of your hard times. sounds most unfortunate. here's wishing you're pulling through unscathed.

looking forward to seeing what you come up with and some thought provoking conversation.

you take it easy now.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Feb 18, 2002
Raleigh, NC
Welcome back. It's good to see your return to the forums and I'm glad things are improving in your private life. Nice tanks.


All in One
May 8, 2010
Real Name
welcome back


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Nice to see you're back DeeDee! Continued good luck on your personal & aquaria recoveries in the new year. You always have something interesting you're trying out.


Seeker of Piscean Wisdom
Apr 10, 2009
San Francisco
Thanks for the warm welcomes! I have really missed our community. I can't say it enough; I have REALLY MISSED AQUARIACENTRAL and its AQUARISTS.

So, the tanks and their powerhead/filters and plants. The plants started out great but when the great algae kill happened, something was released aside that largely killed the plants, killed all my shrimps, and sickened my fish. Now, city water here has 0.5 to 1.0 ppm ammonia, so frequent water changes don't do a lot to help when your ammonia and nitrite are around 1.0ppm or less, so I tend to avoid changing much water unless ammonia levels clearly exceed 1.0ppm. As I watched NH3 and NO2 levels teeter-totter around the 1ppm levels, I saw the critters and plants dying more and more rapidly. Finally, I thought it had to be something other than nitrogenous waste and began doing frequent water changes and cleaned out the filter foam daily and the plants began a long, slow recovery and the fish recovered. The bumblebee shrimp, red cherry shrimp, and glass shrimp all died, along with many MTS and cali blackworms.

Most recently I realized my plants had begun dying again! I realized I was being too conservative with the light for fear of another boom-bust cycle with the algae. Now I am using 23w CFL spiral "bulbs" maybe 18 inches to 20 inches above the top of the substrate. Plants have once more begun growing. I think the dwarf hairgrass is sprouting more shoots. Anyhow, it looks quite start in the tanks at the moment. My fish have regained most of their original color and the Endler's are reproducing too rapidly as usual. The levels in the five and the ten gal. tanks are 0.25ppm ammonia and 1.0ppm NO2 and likely will drop to zero very very soon. I'm getting new shrimps next week provided those levels really do drop as I predict.

Oh, I use Hagen Elite internal filters, which are basically little powerheads with some fairly ineffective foam for mech filtration. I throw out the included foam and use a combination of cheap fibrous scrubby-pad stuff like that 3M product clearly labelled "not for aquarium use" that everyone stuffs into their canister filters and open-cell foam synthetic sponges and air-duct filter material and have a combination which allows very free flow of water but strains out even a lot of chlorella. I never use the included optional venturi aerators - aeration is a bad idea unless you want to drive off a bunch of CO2. Anyhow, I pay about $14 for one at a LFS. The foam costs about $3
every month at the dollar store.

My picotopes, the little aquaria under 2 gallons I'm working on are cycling nicely. I've come up with a little theory and and approach to speeding up the cycling of deep sand bed type freshwater aquaria and so far it seems to be working. The next set of picotopes I'm getting together will be the real test since I will have a control group and have a log ready to enter daily measurements. If I am right, then I will at last have seen something which actually works to accelerate the cycling process. I've never had a product work as advertised where that is concerned and haven't been convinced that they really do anything.

In fact, I don't believe that one can directly seed an aquarium with any amount of nitrosomonas, nitrosossomonas, nitrospira, or whatever other nitrifying bacteria you like and immediately establish an effective nitrifying ecology. It just won't work, just ain't that simple.

At any rate, accelerated or not, I'm planning on creating and selling these little guys as little living objets d'art, like bonsai only underwater. No filter, no heater, just a bright desklamp is needed and twice daily gentle stirring with a chopstick. They take serious time just to cycle, much less to get planted, aquascaped, and to be sufficiently matured and stable to place in the hands of novices so I don't know if anyone will want to pay what they're gonna be worth in terms of time invested much less materials and expertise (developing these little guys has sent me climbing up a steep learning curve). However I will give it my best shot. I've even identified a few things to look for in finding appropriate livestock for such tiny environments. There's a couple of fish and inverts that look promising. Hopefully a couple will actually work out.


Seeker of Piscean Wisdom
Apr 10, 2009
San Francisco
My little experiment has odd results: nitrites plummeted to near zero while ammonia is still measurable at or near 0.25ppm! My idea has been to encourage the growth and succession of various stages of bacteria communities towards the climax community which is strongly denitrifying in composition. Sort of a mix of bacterial "fertilizers" and facultative anaerobes and aerobes in two different soups fermenting and then injected into the substrate. Cycling is going fast but odd progression. Have ceased doping substrate and am waiting to see if ammonia drops this last little bit.

The concept of a climax community comes from the development of forests from meadow to climax forest through a succession of distinct communities. Bacteria live in a matrix of polypeptides with a definite structure, Walstad tells us in "Ecology..." I reason this matrix, since it is not a random homogenous slime, must take time to develop and likely a succession of communities of microbes - that'd explain why boosting nitrosospira, etc., doesn't seem to work (in my personal experience). Though obviously I am likely to be mistaken, it seems worthwhile to attempt something in this direction.


Seeker of Piscean Wisdom
Apr 10, 2009
San Francisco
Oh, and in sand substrates, this approach should boost nutrients for rooted plants and aid development of anoxic regions as the organic material decays and O2 is consumed. I think H2S released (I can smell it in the bottles I ferment the crud in) is used by facultative anaerobes which use NO3 as electron donor in place of O2. Sorry for the crude grammar, my fingers are cold and I'm in a hurry and used to much txting these days!