Over crowded?

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King Chubs

Chubs, Mogh, Appolo and, Sherlock
Feb 20, 2006
Victoria, BC Canada
So ok, last night after doing tests on the nitrite, and ammonia levels, they were both low (nitrite was actually 0). So, I decided it might be ok to transfer the rest of the fish to the large tank, and just continue the cycle there. It's 80 gallons, with 262.5% filtration, so I figured it couldn't really hurt them.

The same behavior is going on with Chubs, hanging out in the one corner. I moved the rock, and the plant from that corner, because I thought perhaps he was just shy. The others seem to like to hang around the one corner as well. I thought maybe the noise from the air pump might be drawing him there, so I moved it, no change. So I'm wondering, is it symptomatic of something wrong with him? Or is he attracted to something in the corner? I'm really confused by this behavior.

Like, he doesn't stay there all the time. He spends plenty of time swimming around the tank. But then he'll go back, spend a min or two there, then he's off again.
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