Plants - Wasting Away / Dying / Eaten?

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that Fish Guy

AC Members
Mar 18, 2010
Milford, MI
What is your coralife setup? If you look at my profile I have the coralife 36 watt freshwater fixture over a 29 gallon. No CO2 and I grow stuff just fine. You just gotta know what you want to grow. Some stuff I tried died too. Stick with Crypts, anubius, low light stuff and you should be fine.
I don't see it in any Profile of yours. It sounds like mine though.

I have that same one jas the link above just Freshwater Not Saltwater so no Blue Bulb.

T5 with 2 Bulbs 18 Watts Each Total 36 Watts 30" Long over My 29 Gallon

Is that what you have?

that Fish Guy

AC Members
Mar 18, 2010
Milford, MI
What is your coralife setup? If you look at my profile I have the coralife 36 watt freshwater fixture over a 29 gallon. No CO2 and I grow stuff just fine. You just gotta know what you want to grow. Some stuff I tried died too. Stick with Crypts, anubius, low light stuff and you should be fine.
I'm Glad I am not the only one with this problem.

Do you use Seachem Fertilizers like I do?

I dose twice a Week as stated on the Bottles.

I also do a Water Change Once a Week.

Do you do that stuff too?

You have any Tricks or Tips?

Did you have any Plants considered easy to take care of just "Melt Away" Like Me as well?


AC Members
Jun 9, 2009
What am I doing wrong though to even loose the "Easy to Maintain" Plants.

Am I not using enough fertilizer?

You may be using too much fertilizer. What fertilizer(s) are you using, and how often do you dose?

Are my Fish / Snails Eating the Plants?

Could be. What kind of fish and, more importantly, what kind of snails are in your tank?

Do I need to feed my Fish more if so to stop them from eating the Plants?

If your fish are eating your plants to sustain life then, yes, you need to feed your fish more.

Am I doing to many or too little Water Changes?

Don't know. How often do you do a water change?

Are my Lights on too long or not long enough?

How long are your lights on? I shoot for around 10 hours a day, unless I notice the algae breaking out. If I notice that, I cut back on ferts and hours of lighting and wait for the algae growth to abate. Then when I lengthen the hours of light, I do so gradually. As for ferts, I try to do less than I was doing before or lengthen the time between applications.

There has to be something to Fix this.

Some plants prefer water with a higher pH and greater hardness, while others prefer softer more acidic water. Also, some plants require lots of light. If you can't provide it, the plant looks pitiful and may eventually die. You may need to do more research on what specific plants prefer. If you have an African cichlid tank (harder more alkaline water), you won't have much luck growing plants that prefer softer, more acidic water. By the same token, I can't seem to grow water wisteria no matter what, so I accept that fact and move on to others I can grow. Also, I've found that it takes about 4 - 6 months for a newly planted tank to take hold. During that time, some plants die, some take off, but most just seem to stagnate (meaning, they don't seem to do much except maybe look a little worse than when I planted them). Then one day I look at the tank, and lo and behold I realize the plants are starting to come into their own. No, they don't suddenly look lush and fabulous, but I realize they're growing and the new growth looks good. Some of the older original leaves look pretty pitiful by comparison. They may have some holes or tears or they may be kind of spotchy because of algae.

I am doing something wrong and I need to figure it out and figure it out Fast.

"Have patience, Grasshopper."

What is the usual cause for a "Melt" of a Plant?
I don't know that there is a "usual cause" for a plant melt, but the shock of transplant is as good a place to start as any. Plants need to acclimate to a new environment, whether they're terrestrial plants or aquatic plants. Also, some plants can grow either emersed (out of water) or fully immersed (completely submerged). If you buy a plant that has been growing emersed and suddenly plant it in an equarium, it will generally lose all of its old leaves and look for all the world as if it's dead or dying. But if you don't lose hope and remain patient, in a couple of months or so, new growth will emerge. As often as not, the new growth won't look anything like the original growth on the plant when you first got it.


AC Members
Dec 30, 2008
Maine, USA
Excel also melted my plants in my kids low tech tank. I was only dosing 1 x week, so that large amount all at one time could have been my problem. Either way, I stopped using it in the 29g, and I stepped up to pressurized co2 for my 75g. You may learn some stuff related to planted tanks in my thread (see my sig), as alot of smart people have posted links and answers there.


AC Members
May 9, 2009
36 watts over a 29 is little over a 1 watt per gal. i get plants on a trial basis ,, just see if they will grow in my tanks or not... most do,,but some dont... i dont do any co2 or ferts.. just lot of good light and old established tank plenty of bioload... get some guppy grass, java moss.. anubias,,, etc those grow anywhere anytime pretty much and trial and error sort of from there..

that Fish Guy

AC Members
Mar 18, 2010
Milford, MI
OK, my friend told me to Post my Specs for the Tank to help you guys possibly help me out.

I will add Pictures too.

Tank Itself

29 Gallon All-Glass Aquarium Standard Sized Tank.

29 Gallon All-Glass Aquarium Glass Top.

Coralife Aqualight T5 30" Fixture with 2 18 Watt Bulbs for a Total of 36 Watts (Up From my Stock Single 18 Watt T8 Canopy Hood).

Same as the Fixture on that site but has a Pink Bulb for Growing Plants Instead of the Blue one for Corals.

Rock Gravel.

1 Cardinal Tetra
12 Neon Tetra
2 Sword Tail
2 Scarlet Badis
2 See Through Ghost Glass Catfish
2 Harlequin Rasbora
2 Feeder Guppy
1 Neon Pink Zebra Danio
1 Head and Tail Light Tetra
1 Pristella Tetra
1 Khuhlii Loach
2 Stingray-Like Fish

4 Gold Mystery Snails

Live Plants
Java Fern
Java Moss
Moss Ball
Amazon Sword
8 Unknown Plants

3 Died / Melted so Far
Hornwort (Easy to Care for as well as Low Light according to
Water Sprite (Easy to Care for as noted on
Multiple Jungle Vallisneria.

More Notes

I dose all Seven Seachem Products on the Market Twice a Week as stated by the Bottle.
Seachem Flourish
Seachem Flourish Excel
Seachem Flourish Trace
Seachem Flourish Iron
Seachem Flourish Potassium
Seachem Flourish Phosphorus
Seachem Flourish Nitrogen

I also do an 80-90% Water Change Once a Week on the Weekend before my Second Weekly Dosing. Keeps my Tank Spakling Clean.

I Could Not Get the Pictures to Load so I posted a Video on YouTube of My Tank. Please Take a Look and please put it on 480 instead of 360 for Better Video Quality.

Do you guys Have any Thoughts or Suggestions to my Problem with this Added Information?
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Jan 13, 2009
Southwest Florida
ide lose the pink bulb and look for a 6700 k bulb that will fit that fixture.. my ferns and swards grow nice in playsand with no ferts and 3 spiral 6700k bulbs in a 72 gallon bowfront


AC Members
Aug 30, 2005
Northern NJ
The video appears to show some potential issues with how the plants are actually planted. Some of the rooted plants appear too deep. The crown should not be below the gravel, it's often better if you can still see the beginning of the roots.

On the right side you appear to have a crypt in it's original pot. In my experience, plants do better when removed from the pot and rockwool. Gently separate the wool from the roots. Rinse the plant off to help remove stray bits, although some will almost always remain. Crete a wide depression in your gravel to allow the roots to spread out, then cover with gravel. Gently pull the plant up, if the crown is too low. If the leaves of the crypt die off be patient. Unless the root stock is clearly rotting, it will often send up a new set of leaves.

Bunch plants appear too tight.They're sold that way in stores for best effect but the stems should be separated when planted. Remove lower leaves so you have 1" to 2" of bare stem to insert into the gravel. Until they establish roots, expect some to come loose and replant.

I'd try to stop fertilizing, and maybe cut back on the water changes. Do you check for nitrates prior to a water change? Unless you're over feeding, changes that large shouldn't be necessary with your tankmates. Granted, with your high fertilizing routine it was probably good to prevent a build-up of unused ferts. You say you upgraded the lighting so I'm assuming the bulbs are relatively new. Remember flourescents dim with age and should be replaced long before they actually burn-out. After about a year I usually suspect poor lighting from the bulbs.

I'm sure others may disagree with some of my comments but as you've experienced there are a lot of opinions out there based on personal experience. With patience, and trial and error you'll find a balance that works for you. You didn't post your water parameters but from the fish stocking I'm assuming you don't have exceptionally hard/alkaline water.


;sup' dog? ;woof and a wwwoof!
Jan 21, 2009
1 afaik there are different types of hornwort. it's possible you got one not suitable for your tank, i guess.

2 jungle val don't seem to prefer the larger grit of aquarium gravel. they need to be fed by the root unless possibly in a high tech tank. they also prefer hard water which you may not have.

3 you did not post your gh, kh, ph... kh probably not necessary...

4 i didn't notice mention of root tabs... maybe i missed it.

5 rumor has it excel melts vals... especially jungle

6 not every plant is going to grow in your tank. some things can be explained at this point in time, some simply cannot.

i'd say overall your tank is doing pretty good. i wouldn't worry too much about those 3 plants anyway as they'll be overgrown weeds in no time if you can get them to grow.

The Plantman

AC Members
Apr 13, 2010
You NEED Co2 to grow bright green beutifull plants like this,

I like your tank alot, but if you get a twin bottle Co2 system on it and do 25-30% per week water chages those plants will go nuts

What am I doing wrong though to even loose the "Easy to Maintain" Plants.

Am I not using enough fertilizer?

Are my Fish / Snails Eating the Plants?

Do I need to feed my Fish more if so to stop them from eating the Plants?

Am I doing to many or too little Water Changes?

Are my Lights on too long or not long enough?

There has to be something to Fix this.

I am doing something wrong and I need to figure it out and figure it out Fast.

What is the usual cause for a "Melt" of a Plant?