Authmal; 50 gallon, with a school of 8 neon tetras, about 12 ghost shrimp, and about 8 breeding mollies.
Was wodering the same things - so did a little digging and am thinking this may be the answer(s)Did I miss a tank size/filtration mention? Or specific numbers of all of the fish in the tank aside from the Kuhlis?
So I started with an assassin snail, but he has been completely overwhelmed and fast. I thought of getting a few more assassins but was told that then they would multiply and become the problem (although one source said they would canibalize themselves once rid of pest snails). That would be preferred to maintain shrimp... but since one is inadequate and I'm not sure who to believe on multiples, I turned to loaches as a solution. Another source suggested tiger loaches as the best, and yet another Almora loach or Pakistani loach (Botia almorhae). So much conflicting info out there... sheesh. Thank you fishorama, for weighing in and your comments. I hope I can even find sidthimunki, as I've never heard of or seen them around pet stores. I'll be sure and inquire though.Well, pretty much any loach that will eat snails will also eat least the tiny ones. IMO loaches are > than either. Maybe sidthimunki (dwarf chain) loaches would be your best bet for a smaller tank...or "some" kuhlis may eat a few snails & only a very few shrimplets... but no guarantees.
You can help with both kinds of loaches by crushing some snails to help them get the idea of snails as food. Pond & ramshorns are pretty easy to crush...trumpets snails are much more difficult (ie: impossible)!