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aka Bunny13
Oct 2, 2005
Baltimore, Maryland
I thought I would share my 20 Gallon. I recently bought pressurized CO2 and I have only had that set up about a week. I am not sure about the name of the big feathery plant in the back right hand corner (I think it is some type of Cabomba) but I bought one stem about a month and a half ago and as you can see it grows like a weed. I would venture to say around an inch a day!

Also, I am not sure what the name of the plant behind the dwarf hair grass (hard to see but it is really skinny and a darker green with purplely spots) is called but I also only bought one of those and I know have about 25.

Next to the Cabomba is Stargrass, I am waiting for it to stop growing outwards and start growing up!!!

Next to that is some Rotala but I am having a really hard time with this one. The leaves are stunted and shriveled. I am hoping that with the addition of CO2 that will correct itself. Once it grows up it will fill in behind the tallest part of the driftwood.

I am dry dosing EI with fertilizers from Greg Watson and I have 70watts of light over my tank.

Feel free to let me know what you think or suggestions you would make!