Stand build journal for 125 gallon tank

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AC Members
Aug 27, 2007
Here are the three finished drawer fronts and how they
look attached to the drawers. Still have to hang the doors. The hinges were a bit finicky and didn't feel like fighting with them last night.

IMG_0299.JPG IMG_0301.JPG IMG_0303.JPG IMG_0304.JPG


USN/USCG 1974-2004 Weps
I was going to ask you where you bought those doors and how much you paid until I looked back in the thread and your table saw and wood collection, your a craftsman. I knew I knew early I wasn't blessed with those skills and patience for that level of detail and have had the same electric hand saw for 13 years. Your cabinet is outstanding!


AC Members
Feb 28, 2010
I'm not jelous or nothin', but I sure wish I could have the space and all for the goodies to make those. I live in an Apartment for those with Disabilities. I have Muscular Dystrophy. Even if I had the space ... I could'nt use the tools. I do good to keep my tanks and build what I have so far.

The stand looks great. An inspiration to many.

Best wishes,


AC Members
Aug 27, 2007
Thank you all for your kind words. While I appreciate the priase, in the spirit of humility I will admit that what I didn't take pictures of were the several pieces that I cut wrong and then cursed about, but again I do appreciate the praise. Webpastor, it's too bad you didn't live closer ( I'm assuming you're in the states) or I'd build you a stand myself.
Still have some work to do on it which may wait until this weekend. have to do the trim around the top and bottom, still in negotiations as to what colour stain to go with ( there will be this stand, another one for a 100 gallon and a tv stand I figured I might as well make while I'm at it) that will all be in our living room so I don't want to slap any ole' colour on it and regret it later. Also have to decide what hardware to put on it for the doors and drawers (still looking for fish drawer pulls but no luck yet).
I have half a gallon of deck stain in the garage I might do the inside with. I don't want to spend the money on staining the interior of the cabinet with the good stuff I do the exterior with but I figure it's inevitable that I'm going to spill water inside it and I figure a coat or two of the deck stain should help with water replellency ( is that even a word?) for cleaning it up. Was also going to get rigid insulation to put under the tank once the top is on but I'm really liking the looks of the play pad that Cwo Gunner used on his stand so have to look into that as well. I will keep you guys posted.


AC Members
May 10, 2010
North Beach, MD
Real Name
Looks beautiful. Its things like this that make wish I was still working at the custom cabinet shop


AC Members
Jan 12, 2009
NJ - Northern
Real Name
looking great!

1/2 the battle is having the right tools and the space to use them! I have access to all of my dads stuff, but actually accessing it is the main problem. His basement is a hellhole. So even if you can find the stuff you need, you have no place to use it.

BTW - i really like your table saw attachments, cutting long pieces of wood without the extra support is simply not fun.