They spawned

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Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Whoo hoo! Is there enough room for the female to get away? The male will take it from here & may get territorial. Good luck & keep the pics coming!


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Feb 26, 2020
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will these be f1s?
Ive seen this term... what does it mean?

Whoo hoo! Is there enough room for the female to get away? The male will take it from here & may get territorial. Good luck & keep the pics coming!
Yes plenty of room. They decided to spawn in my 46g community.

This photo was taken 2 days ago, before they started spawning. The nest location is where theyre both sitting under the floating plants on the left side of the tank.20200421_220806.jpg

Dad is pretty bent on not letting anyone near the nest, not even the cories who go up for air.


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Feb 26, 2020
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Doesn't F1 also refer to first generation of a strain cross?


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Feb 26, 2020
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Something broke the nest apart overnight (could be the nocturnal loaches and cories messing around). So i very gently scooped out the remaining fragments of the nest and moved them to a makeshift incubator.

Temperature is maintained the same temp as tank, though its an unconventional method since i dont have a new heater yet. So if this works out, this is a temporary thing until my new heater comes in the mail.

Container is a styrofoam box to insulate heat in. I have a lamp fixture under it to create heat. I set it up yesterday as an experiment and monitored the temperature to find the best bance of letting heat out and warming the water (which is aerated very gently with an airhose for now. Water is taken from the main tank.

Lamp is in an old ice cream container resting inside a metal mixing bowl to keep contact off of the plastic.

So far the eggs transferred are showing signs of further development! But i do know first spawns are often failures. And being in a community tank was even more likely to fail. All the same, ill be curious to see how this goes.

I have some indian almond leaves in the box too for some beneficial biofilm.
Third picture shows developing eggs, you can see the embryos. Fingers crossed they hatch later today... they have gone from empty bubbles to having visible babies in them since theyve been moved, so thats optimistic.

Gentle aeration. While theyre tiny, i will only be using cycled water. Once larger, ill add a cycled sponge. For now theyre too tiny, aerated cycled water should be enough.

The incubator set up. Surprisingly maintains a good even temperature. Sitting at a cozy 78F

Close up of the development in the eggs, so cool to see the embryos. Quite a few eggs were safely transported. Used a shallow dish to scoop the fragments of the nest out of the main tank without disturbing much from what was left. Better than being left in, though some eggs are also still in the main tank, ill expect those wont make it thanks to the tetras in the sa.e tank. 20200424_134207.jpg

The fragments that were left.

Failure or success, this will be neat to see.

I cant speak if theyre special F1 or whatever. Red, the male, has been suspected on here and another forum to be a hybrid with labiosa but also said to be a wild type DG. Given he was bought at a chain store, more likely a hybrid. I had reservations about breeding them because of this hybrid status, but they decided to go for it anyways, so here we are lol.

Whether my male is a lalia x labiosa hybrid, and my female lalia, itd be interesting at least to see how they turn out. Any buyers of them, ill be sure to share this possibility of hybrid with them as well, so they are at least aware. Theyre beautiful fish, and both quite robust and healthy which is hard to find with dwarf gourami nowadays.

Id be over the moon if there ended up being a female with the male's body shape grow up. I know for sure i want to keep one baby if this is successful.


AC Members
Feb 26, 2020
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My phone (Samsung 22)
wait, they hatched today? didn't they spawn yesterday?
I guess they hatch in 24 hours. I looked it up on a crash course for the fine details. Guess hatch in 24 hours, spend 3-4 days feeding off yolk, then 1 week on infusoria, then onto baby brine shrimp (which im substituting with fry food and cyclops instead)

I do have some already hatching!