Vortex diatom filter?

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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Yeah, as usual, I hear you dougall...still thinking...I'm an indifferent klutz, balance is often difficult...in many ways lol.

I'll see what clubbers bring tomorrow & their advice...& maybe have some new ideas...


Mar 29, 2005
I wouldn't worry too much.

I'm just a big lazy lump any more, it's much easier to say what to do than to actually do it.

Maybe I will get around to changing the CO2 tank that ran out a couple of months ago ? (one day)


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
OK, you may be almost as lame as I am anymore...& that's not a complement, my friend...well, sort of a backhander, let's just pretend it's nice (I'm not sure that it really is in Brit-speak) & we're good! (don't be offended, you have a different culture & language, LOL. No matter how long you've been in the US...I don't always get it you know)


Mar 29, 2005

I'm fine growing algae for now.

And I really have higher priorities too above doing the minimum (and I mean minimum) on the aquariums

And nope, not Covid related.
Apr 2, 2002
New York
F fishorama

I have two words for you- floating plants. ;)


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I came home with a few crypts, a tiny bit of crepidomanes fern (oooh! I'm excited to try), a bucie, 2 kinds anubias, 2 or 3 java ferns (all different). None are fast growers or floaters. I could have had both but didn't want what was offered. Beggers can't be choosers, but clubbers can pass...I also got 2 baby BNs, a small pothos, an orchid , a mixed pot of tradescantia, a white worm culture, some dry ferts (hopefully what I'm missing, I couldn't remember) & of course the diatom filter...I brought things too, but spent no cash, even my carpool friend refused gas money. Isn't this best club ever?!?!

I got to see old friends & meet some new folks, perfect weather in a nice park with a small nature center featuring tanks, animals & history of different SF Bay habitats...the only thing missing was food sharing, but the "host" even made cookies put in no touching baggies.

Now it's time to get this "new tank" looking better soon. I needed some live peer pressure to kick me in the pants, not just you guys, but I always appreciate your experienced help, ideas & humor, lol, & TTA's music too.


Mar 29, 2005
Growing the pothos emersed from the tank will do better than most any floating plants will.

Especially because it will let light get to the rest of your plants.

But I'm totally missing my fish club friends now too. Just some less than I would have expected a year ago.

Maybe I will get to visit them soon too. Till then there are a couple of close friends who I will still visit safely but groups are off the table indefinitely.

Glad you had a good time, I'm incredibly jealous!


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Thanks, it was a great time! I, too, had forgotten some people's less endearing quirks & the masking made me feel a bit hearing impaired & steamed up my glasses. The lack of food sharing meant less time for chatting & a friend & I wandered off to the nature center & bathrooms. When we came back with washed hands it was plant exchange time instead of lunch...Minor complaints, I have definately eaten with "planty hands" but I prefer clean, no dog petting or touching dusty weird stuff before food hands...Does that sound prissy? I think I'm worse since Covid but...that's always been an ick factor for me. I do the best I can in any given situation & don't get stressed out but I do notice...


Mar 29, 2005
Not prissy at all, hygiene is a good thing.

I have my own issues with it, from way before Covid, but I'm at the point where I just keep myself to myself, let others get along and do whatever they want, and do whatever I can to not shake their hand or such. At least now there is more chance there is sanitizer to hand.


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
Crap! My tiny crep. fern went missing. I've looked everywhere 2 or 3 times including the trash & street. It was so small it might have looked like an empty bag. Gah! The guy who brought made a special trip to get it for me...I can't ask him again. I emailed my carpool friend, it may have gotten mixed in with her stuff, I hope so...I was so excited ( :( sniffle).

On the green water issue, it's looking better, not gone but a little better! Maybe just the threat of the diatom filter helped, lol. It could be the different seasonal lighting or the different light I've been using on it for a couple weeks...Or just taking a really close look at the tank...Whatever, I'm happier about it...we'll see how long that lasts, fingers crossed!

I try to pretend a thorough wet hand wipe on my pants counts as "almost clean". I gotten tank water splashed in my mouth before, but it's MY tanks...goodness knows what's in other people's tanks...Hand sanitizer & tanks, oh NO!