What fish mix well with mollies (not goldfish, i've learnt!)

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not a troll
Oct 5, 2005
Onespawnup I do agree with what you are saying- I can be a 'jerk' sometimes, but I wouldn't use that word as I'm not American. ***** sounds better.
Anyways, I suppose i'm sorry for acting like a *****. But a i'm teenager and teenagers can be the meanest things in the world! :Angel:


AC Members
Apr 1, 2004
Seattle, WA
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Wow, I'm sorry, i just joined this. That last post of your's "fishy13" was the most asinine, ridiculous, pathetic excuse I have ever heard.
I know for a fact that there are quite a few teenagers, but I guess most of them are mature and wise enough to act like a civilized person.

This DOESN'T need to turn into a battle. Really, it's take the advice or leave it. People here generally post from their experiance. It's up to YOU, not them, to decide who to "believe". It isn't a matter of believing, it's a matter of the context to use. The research is saying, "Add some salt." We are saying, "Don't add AQUARIUM salt. If anything, use a bit of marine salt, as that's what the 'research' is referring to." You are saying, "You, forum people, are wrong."

Please read this article: http://badmanstropicalfish.com/articles/article5.html

Do you know what an estuary is? "Regions of interaction between rivers and nearshore ocean waters, where tidal action and river flow create a mixing of fresh water and saltwater. These areas may include bays, mouths of rivers, salt marshes, and lagoons. These brackish water ecosystems shelter and feed marine life, birds, and wildlife." That is what an estuary is.

Back to the article: Adding aquarium salt would do nothing to replicate the molly's natural habitat. Also, with any additional 'research' you do, this is what you need to search. Hey, to make your life easier, I'll do the searching for you, all you have to do is look at the link.
This one searches for "black molly sea salt":
That will give you a lot of results for: black mollies and sea salt. There are a lot of them. You don't even have to read the websites! The article clips that google shows you is enough.

This one does a search for "black molly marine salt"
I did that to cover articles that used 'marine' instead of the word 'sea'.

I really do hope this enlightens you to your quite immature deffensive attitude. And to that no, we aren't wrong, and no, you aren't right. You were just reading articles, and taking the word 'salt' out of context.



AC Members
Apr 1, 2004
Seattle, WA
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P.S. Before you ask, yes, I had black mollies. Just 2, I wasn't aware of the whole 'salt vs. mollies war.' They did fine in fresh water, though, when I set up a brackish tank, they are going in there. Black mollies and bumble bee gobies.
When I say 'brackish', I mean I'm adding marine salt. :O Imagine!

And back to the original question. Black mollies can be community fish. They enjoy the company of other fish that require similiar conditions. If you bought your mollies at a store like petsmart, you should be able to find tankmates around the same area. They genearlly try to keep compatible fish around the same area.
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I like snakes!
Apr 4, 2005
Durango/Colorado Spirngs Colorado
Some People Shouldn't be Allowed to keep animals

Fishy, i've read your other post, have you thought about taking up a different hobby, one more suited to your maturity and intelligence level? How about breaking rocks with your head, or running in front of semi trucks on the highway?


not a troll
Oct 5, 2005
No thanks. Everyone's got to start out on a hobby, haven't they? I think fish keeping can be for anyone, no matter there intelligence level. Think about, when ever you start out on a new hobby, it's like learning a totally different launguage. You have to learn all over again.

Oh, and that person who was talking about black mollies (cant remember your name) I odn't even keep black mollies! I thought I posted a thread saying what mollies I kept, but you must not of read it or something...

Also, don't you think there's two sides to every story? I do. The people who wrote the aricles, who you say know nothing, are probaly thinking the same about you. Look, I'm done with this discussion. It's gone on too long.


I like snakes!
Apr 4, 2005
Durango/Colorado Spirngs Colorado

Uhh... no actually not, whenever take up a hobby i make sure it's conveniently in one of my two languages, and that i can get my head around it before i take it up. And fIsHy13, i'm not sure if you knwo this, but BLACK mollies and SAILFIN mollies and BALLOON mollies are the same thing. Please save the lives of any fish you may own in the future and either do some research or quit the hobby
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AC Members
Apr 1, 2004
Seattle, WA
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fIsHy13 said:
I think fish keeping can be for anyone, no matter there intelligence level.
First off.. No.. nononono. Fish keeping is NOT for everyone. If you can't do your research properly, then don't keep fish. If you can't act mature enough in a forum to get people on your side, or be wise enough to say, 'sorry guys, I was wrong,' then you shouldn't be here. If you can't learn to take advice from countless people who know what they are doing... then go jump into the Pacific Ocean.

fishy13 said:
Oh, and that person who was talking about black mollies (cant remember your name) I odn't even keep black mollies! I thought I posted a thread saying what mollies I kept, but you must not of read it or something...
Honestly, I don't feel like searching through your innumerable newbie posts, ones that are so filled with billigerent stupid, to find out what molly's you had. From what I could tell from this post, you had black mollies. Well, I *thought* you had them. Turns out I was wrong, I'm sorry.

fishy13 said:
Also, don't you think there's two sides to every story? I do. The people who wrote the aricles, who you say know nothing, are probaly thinking the same about you.
First off, yes there are at least one sides to every story.
Secondly, did I say they knew nothing? No, I don't believe I typed anything of the sort. I said YOU were taking it all out of context.
Thirdly, I doubt anyone of those authors knows that I'm "saying they know nothing" and I actually doubt they even know I exist. Same for you.

fishy13 said:
Look, I'm done with this discussion. It's gone on too long.
I believe it has. Your stubborness and unwillingness to listen to people without having some trite, snotty remark proves that you are not fit to own animals, no matter how 'primative' they are.
Really, I'm just beginning to get a grasp of all the wonderous things fishkeeping has to offer, but you... you'd refuse to accept any view other than yours.

If you truely believe this thread has gone on too long, don't respond. We don't want to hear it.
I just wanted to give a closing argument and some last words to you.

Have a very nice life.


Nov 5, 2005
Washington state
wow. i was a teenager only a few years ago (i'm 20) and i dont EVER remember acting like a snotty, know-it-all brat.

if your LFS is so on the ball and knows everything there is to know about fish, they why are you here asking for our advice, then throwing a hissy fit when we give contradicting advice? why don't you just listen to your LFS, since they're such omnipotent masters of fish knowledge, and leave us alone, since you obviously dont want to listen to the experts right here, who don't have anything to sell to you, who aren't trying to get money out of you, and who have nothing to gain by lying to you, like your LFS does.