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Jun 22, 2004
Toronto, Canada
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R.B., I think one of the biggest things fishkeeping has taught me is patience. It can be really hard to look at an empty tank for weeks while doing a fishless cycle, but IMHO it's worth it.
Many of us advocate fishless cycling because it poses no risk to the fish, but if you want to go 'old school' I'd recommend regular water tests, daily water changes of 40% - 60% to keep NH3 and NO2 to a minimum (this won't slow your cycle and should keep levels low enough to prevent severe stress to the fish) and adding fish very slowly.
IME a fishless cycle is a lot less work than a properly done fishy cycle - doing daily ~50% water changes for up to six weeks can get VERY tedious!

gsk177, I love my fish dearly, and I understand where you're coming from. I think the most important thing to remember about a forum is it's about the open exchange of information. Everyone has a different opinion, and a different way of doing things which may not be ideal in another person's eyes but we all need to respect one another. I generally offer my thoughts as advice to be taken or left as the other person sees fit.
:OT: (From the other thread) completely off topic, contrary to popular opinion, Great Danes are total couch potatoes and can make wonderful apartment dogs (but I understood the point) :)
Last edited:


Casiotone Nation
Jan 9, 2004
Eastern Iowa
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something more family oriented.....
Sep 1, 2004
San Diego, CA (El Cajon)
what the hell is a troll?


Why call it tunaFISH??
Oct 17, 2004
Toronto area, Canada
A troll is a mythological creature, which would live in unsanitary places (under bridges, in caves, wisconsin -JUST KIDDING-). It is a giant, ugly, rather dim-witted creature, which would feed on humans. They were known to be malevolant.
Clearly, they arent calling him an actual troll, who consumes humans and can be destroyed only by sunlight, but more as a metaphor, as a fishless cycle is inhumane...


AC Members
Feb 28, 2005
A troll is somebody that does a little trolling as in "Fish On".lol

It dosen't matter what internet forum you go to the're all the same.Cause people are all the same.

Every forum has a core group of hollier than thou,PC types,that fell better in safe groups & don't like being challenged.Pot stiring is actually more common a phrase.

I was acussed because I aint new to the net.I actually post diffrently than your typical new member.Usally the new member post up some self humiliating fluff like........"Hi I'm a newbie & I have a few questions"

I think it reads better with some wit & flavor.............And the occasional dander getting raised.


Melancholy Dreamer
Feb 12, 2005
For a rock? I would look into Bigal's they have everything I've ever needed. It's just an internet store.

I went with a fish cycle but I also waited two weeks without fish tested and tested again. Bought the wrong fish had one casualtie but now everything is ok. Just doing a lot of water changes and testing and it makes Fish cycling harder but I don't mind the work. I also had an established tank and put all the gravel, filters and water from that tank into my new one because I wasn't about to put fish into a COMPLETELY uncycled fresh enviroment.

Since your set on fish cycle get fish that you know can handle it. There are some other posts where people gave me suggestions can't remember off of the top of my head. I also HIGHLY recommened you get some established gravel and maybe filter squeezes from someone's sponge or maybe even your LFS will oblige you to do that. Don't wash the gravel you get! I find the dirtier the better because you KNOW there is those helpful bacteria's and what not growing in there and with lucky will multiply quickly.

Also with fish cycle ICH will most likely happen so look in the Article section about ICH. It's helped me ALOT!

GOod luck and try not to raise too much Guff we are just trying to help you here and share from our experiances.


Fins are Fun!
Feb 10, 2005
America the Beautiful
R.B. - Is this the tank you were talking about getting for your 3-yr old son?


AC Members
Dec 11, 2004
I really can't tell if this is your idea of a trolly joke or if you're just ignorant.

Stop, just stop please. You're embarassing yourself. You have a child you say yet you act more immature then a 10 year old. (If your 10 on here, no offence...i'm not much older).

You're right, your deffenitly not like the typical "newbie", usually they take the advice, they absorb it, they use it. They are smart. You on the other hand blow off all posts that contradict what you think. As someone stated before the only reason to do the fish cycle is becuase of impatience. Which you cannot concore, I do understand this in a way. But you making another topic trolling makes me think so lowly of you. Please, act your age. Go do your fishy cycle, but don't patrol it around on a banner and try to p'o people.


Oh yes and after rereading your post just above mine, if i understand right, you feel making people angry and rileing them up is better then saying

"I'm new and I have a few questions"?



Sep 24, 2004
Toronto, Canada
I agree. Please grow up, or get out. You have made a totaly useless topic, and 2 out of 5 have been locked. So if you are going to do a fishy cycle, do it! We all know you are so whats stopping you!

IMO this whole this should be deleted. You know how do do a fishy cycle. (I think you do) And thats all this trend was for.
The End
**Note: Im not trying to be rude, just stating the facts**