Whelp.......it's been 24 hours....

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Jun 22, 2004
Toronto, Canada
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SDRANGER619 said:
what the hell is a troll?
From what I've seen, a 'troll' is a person who posts with the sole intent to upset others or start arguments - the posts usually look like genuine requests for help (at least at first), but the 'troll' isn't asking because s/he wants to know the answer, rather because they want to stir things up.


AC Members
Feb 28, 2005
TA thanks.

PJ yhea the tank is in his room now on his chest of drawers.All I need to make him happy is one fish.Every day it's "we going to the pet store ???"I keep telling him Saturday but he wants a fish yesterday.

Kasato.........I'm 36.I'm grown.

Jordak & other hollier than thou types........Read all of my 16 posts & replies again.The only reason I'm getting a fish tank is because the one thing I love the most wants one.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Feb 18, 2002
Raleigh, NC
I've read all RB's threads and I don't believe him to be a troll.
Good luck with the tank and keep us updated on how things go.


AC Members
Feb 12, 2003
Sevierville, TN
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If you truely want this for your son, why on earth would you not want to teach him the responsible way of keeping fish?

If he wanted a lockblade knife you wouldn't just go buy one and hand it to him. You would educate him, or yourself if you needed to, about proper knife handling techniques and general safety issues.

My little girl wants a pony, but, money aside, I have no proper place to house a pony and do not possess the necessary knowledge on how to properly care for one.

Why then would you buy him a fish tank and throw a fish in it without first educating yourself and him about proper fishkeeping. Do you actually WANT your son to start asking all the questions associated with dead floating fishes?

While I may come across harsh and "holier than thou" as someone :rolleyes: has put it, it is not my intention.
You posted your situation. I immediately took issue with the fact you are going fishy. Later in the thread you admit that you have weighed the options of fishy vs fishless and chose to go old school. If you want to go old school, then fine. Do what you want. Fishy cycling will inevidably cause future problems. It is precisely these problems I want you to avoid. If you choose to heed your own advice over the advice of more experienced members, then it is THIS members position that THIS member will not assist you further down the road.

We can debate all day on whether we should change oil filters when changing oil in your car, but when your motor blows up because you didn't take my advice to change your oil filter, do NOT expect me to hold your hand and walk you through a motor rebuild later down the road.
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AC Members
Jan 20, 2005
I really didn't want to comment, but one thing you may be missing out on in all this R.B, whether you care about the fish, or how to cycle, etc. chances are that the fish may very well die because of the stress, amonia poisoning, etc. Or, it will get some ugly disease like ich, cotton fungus, etc. If this is for your son, do you really want it to die on him three days after he gets it? Or have to explain why the fish is diseased and floating upside down at the top of the tank and not moving! I guess he'll have a chance to learn one of lifes lessons.....