Would this work as a CO2 "Reactor"

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AC Members
Jan 5, 2003
Re: Re: Would this work as a CO2 "Reactor"

Originally posted by 80gJoe
Not really... You will be 'gassing - off', or wasting your CO2. That is why I'm not using AquaClear HOB filters anymore. AquaClear filters are good products, but what you need for planted tanks is to keep surface agitation to the minimum.
It depends on the height of the tank rim, and your water level. If you fill it so the water level comes just up past the lip of the outflow then you'll have pretty low surface agitation.
Even better is to take a small piece of plexiglass and use silicone to stick it to the filter outflow at a slight angle downwards. The plexi only needs to extend ~1" past the filter, and it smooths out the water flow further.

I would definately agree a cannister does make less surface agitation, but with a little thought, you can run a hang-on filter on a 20g planted tank very successfully. So, if your budget doesn't include a cannister, don't feel bad.

If you are looking for a cheap cannister ($50), look at the smallest Fluval - I've got one running on my 20L (don't ask why it isn;t on my more heavily planted tank, I dunno...) and it works great.
The only problem is their aquastop system that shuts off the waterflow when you take the tubes out. Often a snail shell or two prevents it from closing properly, so I have to poke at it a few times.