WTB corydoras paleatus

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AC Members
Mar 4, 2009
My tank is a little warmer with peppered corys, rasboras and mystery nails. Would it be okay to lower the temp a little? I was going to get some plecos but I think I have changed my mind. Can I put 5 or so mre corys with 10 rasboras and 5 peppered corys and a coiuple of snails? Oops, in a 55 gallon.
Theres a lot of room in a 55. There is room for more cories I have 2 55s both in the house rather than the fish shed. They each have a dozen mixed cories in them. Plecos generally need there water warmer. The dwarf plecs can take it a little cooler mine are around 70-74 none of my tanks is heated just the entire room. Tends to cause a little humidity but less on the electric bill. The cories love it at these temps of course during the hot parts of the summer I have to fan the tanks they get into the mid 80s somrtimes if you dont. It took awhile to get it down how to tend the tanks. Cories are tougher than most give them credit. How many times have you heard evrything died except the cories or the catfish:). The only thing that seems to bother cories is over medication. :lipssealedsmilie: