Complete Tank Redesign Project - Lessons, Learnings and Ramblings of Coach_z

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AC Members
Jan 12, 2009
NJ - Northern
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EI Dosing Made Quick and Easy

EI Dosing Made Quick and Easy

Every so often I run across a thread where someone wants to give up on their EI dosing because it takes up too much time. Someone who is frustrated with measuring every day. Someone who feels that it is just too difficult. Ever have this question? This ones for you!

What is EI Dosing?
Read about EI Dosing here

I'm not going to explain it because it has been done hundreds of just here to help you out with it a bit.

How to make it so much easier:
Estimative is loosely defined as "To calculate approximately" (as per What does this mean to you? It means that it is not a precise thing and leaves room for error and interpretation.

Dosing this method only really takes about 45 to 90 seconds each week after just a few tries at getting used to it. The secret to my, and your, success:

^A weekly pillbox^ (without the pills)
While your water is draining, or while your tank is filling, grab your box, your measuring spoons and your ferts. Check to see what you should be dosing each day and put the appropriate stuff in each day. Close up your pill box and put your stuff away. This process takes me about 30-40 seconds...honestly!
On the appropriate day of the week, lets use Monday, you are feeding your fish. While you watch them eat grab your pill box, open up Monday and dump it right into the tank. I like to aim for the outflow of my filter or away from where the fish are actively eating. Do this every day, it only takes a few seconds.

When filling your pill boxes remember that this is an estimate, if your a little under/over 1/8 tsp the algae god is not going to strike you in the rear. But remember to never significantly under-fertilize your tank, unless you are trying to grow fun types of algae!

For the first few weeks, keep an eye on your nitrate and phosphate levels and such. After you get used to doing this, you will never test again. I haven't tested my water in months!



needs more wiggle.
Dec 9, 2009
This is a great thread, coach_z!

EI does appear to be so very easy once you get the PKNHO3:hypnotized: names under your belt! And most people do weekly water changes as it is...

Glosso was a pretty grass-like stem plant for me :p: but looks great as a proper carpet. I'd love to see more tanks with UG, but I guess it's hard to come by.


AC Members
Jul 11, 2010
Baltimore, MD
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Increased PO4 to 5-10ppm and I have never seen GSA again.

I wish it was that easy for me. :wall:

I have GSA and BBA, my nitrates are consistently at 10ppm, phosphate @ 10ppm, and CO2 is constant. 3.4 WPG. I have seen no improvement in over a month.

I dose Excel, Fe, K+ (just started), and regular Flourish as well, all liquid. I don't dose PO4 and it is still constant @10ppm.

I should probably just man up and get dry ferts. Any advice?

AND my rotala macrandra is not looking good at all. My cousin works at my LFS and basically gave it to me when his boss yelled at him for ordering such a demanding plant that nobody would buy.

Anywho, I love reading through threads like this, and I would respond more if I wasn't a newb at planted tanks and had decent insight to whats going on... Keep it up.


AC Members
Jan 12, 2009
NJ - Northern
Real Name
I wish it was that easy for me. :wall:

I have GSA and BBA, my nitrates are consistently at 10ppm, phosphate @ 10ppm, and CO2 is constant. 3.4 WPG. I have seen no improvement in over a month.

I dose Excel, Fe, K+ (just started), and regular Flourish as well, all liquid. I don't dose PO4 and it is still constant @10ppm.

I should probably just man up and get dry ferts. Any advice?

AND my rotala macrandra is not looking good at all. My cousin works at my LFS and basically gave it to me when his boss yelled at him for ordering such a demanding plant that nobody would buy.

Anywho, I love reading through threads like this, and I would respond more if I wasn't a newb at planted tanks and had decent insight to whats going on... Keep it up.
Is your GSA in check? What i mean it getting any better or worse? You might have to go through a good scraping, then a water change to get rid of it if it was bad....but generally it might just go away with all the po4.

Dry ferts:
There is no manning up necessary. It is so much easier, and much much cheaper than the seachem stuff. For less than 20 bucks you can get almost 2 years of ferts. You are only using between 1/8tsp to 1/4tsp max 3x/week, it takes a long time to burn through a pound of that.


AC Members
Jan 12, 2009
NJ - Northern
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Why Dry Fertilizers are Cheaper than Liquid Alternatives

On 7/29/09 I spent about $25 and purchased 1 lb of each of the following:

As of 9/2/10 I still have aprox. 85-90% remaining.

I'll let you do the math and figure out how much more expensive liquid ferts are.



AC Members
Dec 24, 2005
CoachZ I can probably get you Pogostemon stellatus 'narrow leaf' and Glossosigma elatinoides if you are interested shot me a PM. I also have a Blyxa aubertii I'm going to need to split soon.

You can see the plants in the 120g.


AC Members
Jul 11, 2010
Baltimore, MD
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Is your GSA in check? What i mean it getting any better or worse? You might have to go through a good scraping, then a water change to get rid of it if it was bad....but generally it might just go away with all the po4.

Dry ferts:
There is no manning up necessary. It is so much easier, and much much cheaper than the seachem stuff. For less than 20 bucks you can get almost 2 years of ferts. You are only using between 1/8tsp to 1/4tsp max 3x/week, it takes a long time to burn through a pound of that.
Do I still want to add PO4 and KNO3 even though my levels for both are where they should be, or too high? I am assuming I would do a 50% pwc before I dose to help that? Basically I am slightly scared to dose these ferts based on the current levels in my tank.

Are you still dosing EI or have you "personalized" your dosing regime based on your tanks needs?


AC Members
Jul 19, 2010
Richmond VA
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Do I still want to add PO4 and KNO3 even though my levels for both are where they should be, or too high? I am assuming I would do a 50% pwc before I dose to help that? Basically I am slightly scared to dose these ferts based on the current levels in my tank.

Are you still dosing EI or have you "personalized" your dosing regime based on your tanks needs?
I'm not sure about couch but i had to personalize my EI because the dosing was too high so i had to tone it down a lot.