Started 27 years ago. Kept goldfish in a bowl to begin with. I'm a 3rd generation keeper, so don't ask me why the heck my mom ever did the whole goldfish in a bowl when I was in kindergarten. It hurts my head. Did that for 2 years, then got back into it when I moved in with her again at the age of 10. Saved up all my allowance for 6 months and grilled my mom and grandmother for everything they knew, then she helped set up a 10 gallon with UGF that I had for 7 years, along with a few bettas here and there in a bowl during high school (shhhh, I didn't know better then. I know better now). Took a break when I moved out on my own. Flash forward to when I was 24 and I jumped back in again. Holy cow the scene had changed. UGF were something out of the dark ages from what I read everywhere LOL. Spent the last 5 years nurturing the 4th generation of fish keeper in my family. Never did a bowl for him. When he asked for goldfish at the age of 5, I bought him a 40 gallon. He gets angry at the sight of fish bowls and the overstocking that happen in pet stores and can teach anybody about the nitrogen cycle. He knows bettas need heat and filtration, and loves to tell the pet shop employees that. And then MTS began . . . Now I have a 1 year old and my 10 year old and I are talking about what we plan for the 10 gallon we're going to set up when we move JUST FOR THE BABY. This was the older one's idea, not mine. He wants "another 4th generation fishkeeper, cuz that would rock!" as he puts it. I tend to agree. Oldest has a 3 gallon that he is going to upgrade in the next few months to a fluval flora so he can do his first planted biotope, I've got a 10 gallon, buying a 55 gallon with tax return, and I'm trying to convince my husband I need a 20 gallon thrown into the mix. I have officially won. Husband admitted last week that MTS is "inevitable" and that I should just start breeding so we can support our own hobby.