look what I get to babysit

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Colby's Pincher (24X)
Aug 5, 2006
jodimartin2003 said:
The cat in the center of the pic is a rumpy manx which means he has no tail, not even a nubbins of one. Kinda looks like a rabbit from behind.
aww,thats so cute!
I would love to get pics of a ocicat that I take care of.he's about 20"-24" high,and about 30 lbs of muscle...but its all baby!! :rolleyes:


Betta Babe
Dec 26, 2002
jodimartin2003 said:
I keep our Chocolate Lab in a kennel while we are at work. If I don't then I have to clean up 10lb piles of poop when I get home and no thanks. He is just fine. He has no aggression problems AT ALL, he is very socialized. He is well trained and very happy. So just leaving them in a kennel during the day isn't animal abuse. If they are leaving him in there when they are home, that's totally different.
How old is this dog? Because if he's old enough to hold his bladder during the day (they can usually hold it up to an hour per month of their age, up to a year, if I remember correctly). So if he's over a year he should be able to hold it. If he's unable to hold it, he either needs to be checked for a UTI at the vet or he needs alone training. He is not "well trained" if he gets anxious when left alone, and from what you described, he either has a problem holding his bladder for as long as you're at work or he has anxiety that causes an inability to control his bowel movements.

How long are you gone during the day that you normally have him crated? Does he whine/bark or chew a lot when you're gone?


AC Members
Jan 11, 2006
He is about 4 years old and has been checked by a vet. He's just fine. He can control his bladder while in his kennel and he doesn't cry or whine while we are gone. Thats just the way some dogs are. Last night he decided to chew a hole in the couch cushion and then barfed all over the kitchen. This is very unusual behavior for him but he was just at the vet a week ago with a clean bill of health. He is usually in his kennel for about 6 hours a day or so. He NEVER potties in there. Only when he is left out which is another reason I am sure it is not a medical problem. He used to be a big chewer but stopped a couple of years ago.

Chickee, that is the only couch we have lol. I was busy cleaning and they took advantage of the fact no one else was using it.


AC Members
Jun 5, 2006
Some animals just act out (such as going to the bathroom ) when you vary up their routine and do something different. When we decided to let our dog stay out during the day while we were not at home instead of being crated, when we would come home she would be sitting in her crate because she knew she was suppose to be in there when we were not home. She would even go get in it when we stepped outside to get the mail. It took her several weeks before she stopped doing that because that is what she was used to and she used to freak out about it if we did not follow the routine.


Worlds' Worst Mafia Voter
Nov 13, 2006
Everett, WA
Pajama party! I love it. Actually, I'm amazed they all fit. Cats can take up so much space when they sleep. I have one, (she is rather large for a cat. She stretches up on her back feet to about 3-3.5 feet.)

I know now just to forfeit my king size mattress. :p

I just love that photo! <3


AC Members
Jan 11, 2006
kmgriff72 said:
Some animals just act out (such as going to the bathroom ) when you vary up their routine and do something different.
I think acting out is exactly what he is doing. Or the fact that we do have the other dog and they probably play(which may cause him not to be able to hold it as long) may have something to do with it.

I had a friend that had a cat who would go potty in her clean laundry every time she was left alone too long. She had a litterbox and knew how to use it, she would just get angry. When a different girl owned the same cat, the cat started backing up to the wall and spraying potty everywhere when they got a new cat. They had plastic up all over the walls around the litterbox. That cat was a freak!!


AC Members
Jun 5, 2006
Yeah, we used to have a poodle and everytime he got mad at my mom he (notice I said he) would go and get on top of her bed and pee like a female dog. We would come home and find it and ask my mom what she did to p*** the dog off....lol.


Betta Babe
Dec 26, 2002
Animals don't do things out of vengeance. More likely it is as Kmgriff said the first time--it's the change in routine that causes stress. Same with the cat. Saying they do it in anger is projecting your own emotion onto the animal.