Piranha versus goldie!

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Nov 20, 2005
atc_ben said:
This is worse than having a conversation with a mailbox. The fish was eaten. It didn't suffer anymore than any other fish that's been eaten by a piranha in the history of this planet. If a fish is swallowed whole, do you think it dies a peaceful death instantaneously? I've seen a school of piranhas pick an entire deer clean to the bone in the wild while the deer was still gasping for air. A deer is how many times the size of a single piranha? It doesn't matter because they feed in schools. That's how they eat in wild and that's how they're gonna eat in a fishtank. I'm sorry if you can't accept that. This is no worse than feeding mice to captive snakes.

This is not natural, STOP saying it is!

1) It's the same as those idiots who "hunt" tigers by paying a lot of money and having a capitive tiger chained to a pole then blow it away with a 16gauge. Yep i hunted me a tiger!

2) The goldfish has no way to run in that small tank, a lake or even a pond in nature is thousands times bigger. The gold fish would easily gotten away many times over as evident by the video, instead of keeping running into that glass wall.

3) This is not feeding your fish (you do NOT feed your fish something that's bigger than itself), it's purely to take pleasure in torturing an animal by watching chunks of its flesh ripped out slowly. And if you notice the credit, at the end the pirianha didnt kill it, the owner ended up killing the fish himself. There is no reason for this torture other than to compensate for having a small penis.

4) Those red bellies(?) are pussies, if he had some real fish like the caribes they would teared the goldfish apart the sec it hits the water.


Nov 20, 2005
dorkfish said:
I read one and a half articles on pirahnas, and one of the things I earned is pirhannas, like many other predatory fish, can be trained to eat froen foods.

here's the very article section I found that out in:


Just thought I'd let you know that.
that's common practice, most REAL fishkeepers feed their pirahana frozen fishmeat like the cod fillets daily and live feeder only once a week or longer. It's the pran type that feed live mouse, big fish, etc to their pirahana, those are the same type who enjoy watching their dogs fight each other etc..


I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts
Jan 3, 2004
When did the mothership land? *looks at gag* Or was that the PETAship?

You truely need to do a little more research into things that you mention.... or at the very least please do go and try to hunt a tiger with a 16 gauge, we could only hope that you don't come back... a very likely outcome... as to a captive raised animal being tied to a pole and chain...please don't be an idiot.


AC Members
May 16, 2006
Ormond Beach, FL
Interesting reading, especially this article. Live or frozen is six one way, half dozen the other for the feeder. I don't think a feeder goldfish (or insert fish species here) cares if it's frozen before it gets eaten. If a fish even has the cognitive awareness of its existence (I don't think it does) to know that it's gonna get eaten, then it will probably have the awareness to know it's gonna freeze to death or suffocate. It will go through all the anxiety and fear and self loathing either way. To suggest that someone has a moral obligation to feed a captive piranha, a feeder you froze over a live fish is just plain silly. Either way the feeder dies and the piranha gets some calories.

I would think that a captive piranha would benefit from chasing and catching it's prey. They have the same sensory system that sharks have, enabling them to detect miniscule amounts of blood.

Owning a predator/scavenger fish means bringing a little piece of the wild and putting it in your house. If you're not prepared to see fish attacked and eaten by an animal designed for that purpose, don't buy this kind of fish, don't watch any nature documentaries on piranhas and don't eat a fish yourself.

If your argument is only about the way the feeder dies, then try and let it go. You're not a saint if you freeze a feeder first, or you feed a bite sized feeders instead of one larger one, or if you feed cod you bought at the grocery store. You're still putting a fish that was once alive into a tank with a predator, so that if it's not dead already, it soon will be.
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AC Members
May 16, 2006
Ormond Beach, FL
gagaliya said:
1) It's the same as those idiots who "hunt" tigers by paying a lot of money and having a capitive tiger chained to a pole then blow it away with a 16gauge. Yep i hunted me a tiger!
16 Gauge, huh? Why would a captive bred animal need to be chained to a pole before being killed? Is it gonna try to get away suddenly after being raised in captivity?

gagaliya said:
2) The goldfish has no way to run in that small tank, a lake or even a pond in nature is thousands times bigger. The gold fish would easily gotten away many times over as evident by the video, instead of keeping running into that glass wall.
This statement really shows your intelligence. Are you really contending that it isn't fair for the goldfish? Fairness is a human idea, largely unknown in nature. Predators base their entire lives on it not being fair. True the goldfish doesn't have far to run, but neither does the piranha. If your gonna keep piranhas in your house, you'll need to feed those piranhas something, whether it's frozen, bite size, or you bought it at the grocery. None of that is gonna make it fair either.

gagaliya said:
3) This is not feeding your fish (you do NOT feed your fish something that's bigger than itself), it's purely to take pleasure in torturing an animal by watching chunks of its flesh ripped out slowly. And if you notice the credit, at the end the pirianha didnt kill it, the owner ended up killing the fish himself. There is no reason for this torture other than to compensate for having a small penis.
I didn't even watch the whole first video. I'm largely basing my arguments off the second video.

gagaliya said:
4) Those red bellies(?) are pussies, if he had some real fish like the caribes they would teared the goldfish apart the sec it hits the water.
Which would be so much better, right? :rolleyes: What kind of person would have "real fish"? Would it be a real man? Perhaps a man with a small penis?

Nice try.


The Picotoper
Jun 13, 2006
Morris, Illinois
that man is sick. I would like to punch him in the face! and like so many of these people have said before, it is because he gleamed sick pleasure from watching an animal die a terrible death. and when you feed a pirhana a small feeder fish, it is muched by teeth in the throat and tounge and killed instantly and fairly painlessly, it doesn't die a slow, painful death in stomach acid.


AC Members
Jan 8, 2006
If i could post pic of my new fish eating/rapeing golde starting with the
tail fin.I would but i cant :sad: .
I sold 3 vampire tetra and yellow tail baracuda.... for them.
When i get bord of the exdons and red bellys ill get somthing elts cool :cool:
but i will never own a fish with out brains like a neon guppy.
My fish snort guppys like cocane


AC Members
Jun 23, 2006
Arleta, Ca

I dont want to offend anyone.I see both sides to this.
Fisrt, I dont agree with the suffering part, none of gods creatures should be made to suffer.Maybe that fish was too big.
Way back I would give my cichlids and Eels feeders $3.00 about 45 feeders once a week.Before I found out it was not too good for my cichlids.
It was very interesting to every *male* that came across my tank.
The *females* did not feel the same.
The other thing I noticed the older the person the more compasion they had for the feeder fish.I guess we do get wiser as we get older, huh.
The feeding of any animal, a snake eating a mouse, a lizard eating a criket, or a spider caching its prey in its web it seems to amaze people.I dont think its blood lust or at least I hope not.
To watch these animals catch their prey using their premitive instincs given by god is intriguing.
Again I dont agree in an animal suffering.
****The people that are overly disturbed are probably the same people that cant enjoy a good boxing mach or a UFC championship.to each their own.
I told my self I would not editorialize. sorry******
To see lyons try to take down a dangerous male bull is incredible were one wrong move could be the end of either party.Thats how god intended to get rid of the weak.
But when you see a baby calve get eaten up by the same lyons even for a pitbull owner like my self it is very sad.
PS I own 2 pure bred pitbulls one red one blue , I have one purebred fighting cock/rooster with its mate, and as you all know some of the most agressive fish cichlids.I would never wish any suffering on any of my animals.


AC Members
Jan 8, 2006
SIRG is right. I feed my fish CICHLID GOLD FOR CARNIVOROUS FISH.BY hikari
I stand by this food. And a live fish when my friends want to see, and I
do feil a little bad."O" Well...
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