15 gallon - Southeast Asian Biotope

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AC Members
Jul 20, 2010
Well, took out everything yesterday, and found a huge diagonal crack on the bottom all the way from corner to corner. Here's a failed pic:

And the stand is kinda mesed up. The places where the screws are were soaked, so now there's bumps all over the stand. I heard something about styrofoam under the tank?

I was playing around with the idea of getting a bigger tank and making it a paludarium, because the stand is made for a bigger tank but since I've got the lighting hood, I'll just buy the same sized tank.

Some pics from yesterday before the taking down:

The loaches were really starting to get used to the tank and came out so much more. Now they have to adapt again T_T:

Also, what's this white stringy thing on my plant leaves?:

Thanks everyone so far :)
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needs more wiggle.
Dec 9, 2009
Aw, total bummer about your tank! Yes, styrofoam under your tank will give cushion & spread out the pressure.

Really nice pics of the kuhlis!

The fuzzy stuff looks like fuzz algae (no, really!)... You could get a bunch of watersprite, wisteria or anacharis in there to help combat the algae by taking up all the excess nutrients (until your plants grow in). Were you thinking of getting a nerite snail for your tank?


AC Members
Jul 20, 2010
Thanks fishycat. I was thinking about having some floating watersprite in there too. I actually want to have it in there permanently, though not so much as to block the light. I had a tub full of hornwort just a few days ago, but I gave it away. As for the nerites, I was actually thinking of some shrimp, but I did see some zebra nerites a week ago or something, and now I'm thinking those would be better. I've seen pictures of what they can do to algae :D Although that would mess up the biotope theme a bit (they're from south africa and the americas??).


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I have cherry shrmp with kuhlis & alone, no algae. Lots of shrimp too, I thought the loaches might eat the tiny ones but if they do it's not enough to matter.


Mar 31, 2008
Real Name
The Silver Slanket
Hairy algae like that, you'd be better served with amano shrimp than nerites, which eat primarily spot and sheet type algaes. It really sucks about your tank though. Foam on the bottom may help from imperfections in the stand and such, but it's not gonna offer any protection in the case of a rock drop or anything of that sort. For that situation, you're better served with some "eggcrate" light diffuser panels under the substrate.


AC Members
Jul 20, 2010
Got the new tank up and running yesterday, same filter media + same unwashed gravel (theres beneficial bacteria there too right?) + plants, instant cycle? I hope so. In any case, my kuhlis made it through the night in the tank, and they're exploring right now, so I guess it's fine. Exactly the same layout, the only difference is a nutrient rich bed under my normal substrate, two new Cryptocoryne wendtii "Tropica" and a bunch of root tabs. Still looking around for some Ceratopteris or H. difformis (can difformis be a floating plant?). And I'm still not completely decided between shrimp and nerites, though I think I'm going with some shrimp, 'cause nerites would kinda mess with the biotope theme, and I've already got MTS for snails :D. Also, I heard amanos clean up hairy algae pretty well (?).

Plants as of now:
2 Cryptocoryne wendtii "Tropica"
3 Cryptocoryne wendtii "Brown" (I think)
3 Vallisneria spiralis

Fish/inverts as of now:
8 Kuhli Loaches
10+ MTS

Anyway, the tank:

The "purgatory" :D :

All eight:

Finished tank (bit cloudy):

And now:

So what do you guys think? And Nerites or Shrimp? If shrimp, would amano be fine (I know it's a teeny bit off biotope)? And lol, I still haven't gotten the fish. I'm going for a species of Trichopsis, but if I don't find those, then what?


AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
That looks great again. I haven't kept Amanos but they sound good, no breeding in FW. RCS are taking over my 40g long. If you live near me I'd give you some Indian fern to try, it gets kinda big for a small tank as do regular watersprite & wisteria. I'd wait to see how your crypts & vals spread, I like the bent over val look.


AC Members
Jul 20, 2010
Thanks. I was just gonna use a little watersprite as a floater to shade some parts of the tank and something to control excess nutrient levels. As for the shrimp, I've decided on the RCS too. They breed readily, they eat algae (but less than amanos?), and they're cheaper :D

I euthanized one of the kuhlis today. He would just lie still in the current, I could still see his gills breathing, but the whole body was limp and pale/mottled. Even when I came close with the net he didn't budge, so I euthanized him. R.I.P. All the other kuhlis are fine though. Hiding most of the time, sticking their heads out of rocks and driftwood once in a while.

Anyway, thanks everyone so far.

I think that's it for now :)

Oh, btw, do RCS require moss? If they don't need it, should I still get some anyway? If yes, where would I put it in the tank though? Could I use it as a prefilter and cover the filter intake with it or would the moss overrun the whole thing :D?
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AC Members
Jun 28, 2006
SF Bay area, CA
I'd skip the moss personally. It sits there doing nothing until suddenly it's everywhere. It can clog up the filter intake, 1 of its favorite spots. Just put an AC sponge block over the intake to keep the shrimp out or buy a prefilter.

Sorry about your loach loss.