20-23 Gallon Tank Community Fish Plan

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Plants need meat too
Feb 18, 2007
Gainesville, FL
Real Name
Yeah, it's looking really good! :D
Unfortunately he says he'll listen to me if and when fish die! Sorry to my hubby in advance but i told him it's cruel! I am not impressed with his seeing them only as ornaments! He almost directly said so, they are to look pretty their not like people... Grr! Not happy!
He still won't listen! All I can do atm is to keep changing water etc....

We had a pretty bad argument over it and I said to keep the Goldfish only but he got upset and asked "why did we get the bigger tank then?"
I said that he Goldfish had to have a bigger tank atleast if not to go outside anyway as I didn't know when I got them that they get so big, his answer is to keep pointing out that it takes them years to get more then a few inches! They are already at 2 inch approx now and I've had them for a yr!

Sorry if it looks like angry, needed to vent a lil I guess! eh
No worries, I understand how frustrating it can be.

I don't know exact goldfish growth rates, but you are seeing nitrite in the tank. Again, that means something is wrong. Have you tried to explain that to him? I would hope that him knowing that all the fish are in danger being exposed to nitrite would help convince him...