Any Sci-Fi Fantasy book fans out there?

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Jun 13, 2010
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Wooohoooo FISHYCAT!!! I have all her books and read the Hive series years ago. One of my favorite DR books is Moreta Dragonlady of Pern, I think I read it 5 times if not more! I started with DragonFlight,Dragonquest and then the White Dragon, loved them!!! The first book her son wrote I found lacking a tad, but he got better and Anne does read everything first. I've read all the DR books, not one was a dud. The Crystal Singer books were also good, I think the only thing I didn't read was the Dinasaur Planet there are 2 of them.
I don't know why I've never read Mercedes Lackey, I've picked her books up enough times. Have you ever read anything by Julian May, A many Colored Land, there are many books to this series but that's the first one, it was also an awsome series, read it many years ago. I've read the Dune series years back excellent.
Ben Bova: Venus,Mars both great and other I can't remember now. Oh, The One Tree, god help me I can't remember the author right now but years ago I read that series and it was awsome!
Well fishycat by the First egg of Faranth glad to have found another Dragon Rideraholic:)))


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Jun 13, 2010
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Piers Anthony's "Xanth" books. And no that's not where I got my name..... :)
Great author I've read a few of the Xanth books. Oh poo you didn't take your name from that series...:))


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Jun 13, 2010
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LOVE all the authors mentioned. The Wheel of Time series by Jordan has one book left. The co-author using his outline has done a fantastic job - I like him more than Jordan to be honest. He doesn't bog down in the smallest of details and delivers a lot of plot per page. Just started a book by Patrick Rothfuss called "The Name of the Wind" - it is pretty good. A little slow at the start but it is picking up and pulling me in. The Terry Goodkind series is complete - loved all the books but a bit disappointed in the ending. George RR Martin is my favorite - but he takes a LONG time to complete each book! No one mentioned Tolkien - Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit - they got me started way back in high school.
Glad you said that about the continuing author, makes me want to pick it up again, I only read 1+2 and 1/2 of 3. Love Lord of the Rings, you know they're starting to film the Hobbit, I hope it's as good as the other movies. It's rare that the movies are almost as good as the books.


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Jun 13, 2010
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Oh boy! Love Sci-fi! And some fantasy. Past month, about, I have read -
"Retief And The Pangalactic Pageant Of Pulchritude", by Keith Laumer. It is as funny as it sounds.
"Report On Planet Three", By Arthur C. Clarke. As thought provking as all his works.
"Voices Of Hope" & " Fisherman's Hope", By David Feintuch. Disturbingly plausible alternate future.
"Draco Tavern", by Larry Niven. Excellent short story collection.
"Heavy Time", by C.J.Cherryh. Classic space miners.
"Empire", by Orson Scott Card. And currently reading his sequel "Hidden Empire". Love his books(Tales of Alvin Maker, Ender's Game, etc.)
In the pipeline to read next-
"Darwin's radio", by Greg Bear
"Under A Velvet Cloak"(Incarnations of Immortality series,book 8), by Piers Anthony(Love a smart man with a warped sense of humor)
"Witch & Wizard", by James Patterson & Gabrielle Charbonnet ( My son loved it)
Robert Jordan's "Wheel of Time" series - I had read up to book 6, I think, a couple years ago & my daughter just sent me books 1 to 12(with a note that there are 2 more) so I may have to start over & (re)read them in order.
"Childhood's End" by Arthur C. Clarke started my addiction at about age 12.
(Also enjoyed "Dark Tower" but hated the ending)
Steffish I'm sitting here with a pad and writing everyones suggestions down. I've read Orson Scott Card, Enders Game and the others that came after, excellent series. I've also read a book or 2 from Greg Bear, liked him too. If you like more sci-fi then fantasy read Ben Bova, good books. I have so many books tied up in the basement waiting for bookshelves,lol. Thanks for your submissions I appreciate it:)


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Jun 13, 2010
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Everybody thank you so much, keep it coming sci-fi fantasy fans! This is great!


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Sep 24, 2009
Ashland, KY
Glad you said that about the continuing author, makes me want to pick it up again, I only read 1+2 and 1/2 of 3. Love Lord of the Rings, you know they're starting to film the Hobbit, I hope it's as good as the other movies. It's rare that the movies are almost as good as the books.
I stopped reading his (Jordan's) series for a while because I got so frustrated with all the unimportant details I found book 11 for $3 at Big Lots so I got it and got back into the story. Asked for book 12 for Christmas (the first with the co-author) and couldn't put it down. I liked it so much that I paid full price for the hard cover book 13 (something I RARELY do). Can't wait for the final book to come out - so many plots lines to tie up. I CAN'T wait for the Hobbit - I agree that it is rare for a movie (or in this case movies) to be almost as good as the books - they did a tremendous job with all three of them. So glad you started this thread because I have read so many of the mentioned authors that I have run out of choices. I now have several new ones to check out. :clap:


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Dec 17, 2004
Cumberland, MD 21502
I've read and enjoyed all of the Pern books, and had no objections to her son's contributions.
A couple of SF books that stand out in my memory from years gone by were Larry Niven's Ringworld and Ringworld Engineers.
Alan Dean Foster also wrote one I really liked, Midworld.
One of my favorite authors when I was younger was Andre Norton. I never read anything she wrote that I didn't enjoy.
Frank Herbert's Dune series, and more recently the accompanying books his son has written are pretty good IMO.


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Jun 13, 2010
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I stopped reading his (Jordan's) series for a while because I got so frustrated with all the unimportant details I found book 11 for $3 at Big Lots so I got it and got back into the story. Asked for book 12 for Christmas (the first with the co-author) and couldn't put it down. I liked it so much that I paid full price for the hard cover book 13 (something I RARELY do). Can't wait for the final book to come out - so many plots lines to tie up. I CAN'T wait for the Hobbit - I agree that it is rare for a movie (or in this case movies) to be almost as good as the books - they did a tremendous job with all three of them. So glad you started this thread because I have read so many of the mentioned authors that I have run out of choices. I now have several new ones to check out. :clap:
Pretty much that's the same reason I put it down, glad to hear the last few books were that good. Makes me want to pick it up again knowing something good is coming at the end:)


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Jun 13, 2010
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Todd OMG! forgot about Ringworld, I read it years ago! I've read the original Dune series will check out the new ones, the books were great.

I mentions a book yesterday- The One Tree- I couldn't remember the author then, his name was Donaldson. I think it was a series of 10 or so books, AWSOME books!

This is like fish, so many books so little time.


Discus Addict
Dec 11, 2005
Gulf Coast Texas
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Whew... this could take a while and I'll still never get them all down, but here goes:

Started at age 10 with Robert A. Heinlein's "Have Space Suit Will Travel". Since then I've read everything he wrote. He was brilliant beyond belief.

Joined the Science fiction Book Club when I was 12 and immediately read "The Dragonriders of Pern", Asimov's "Foundation Trilogy", Frederick Pohl and Jack Williamson's "The Starchild Trilogy" and Roger Zelazny's "Chronicles of Amber".

Since then, anything by Issac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Larry Niven & Jerry Pournelle ( loved Mote in God's Eye and sequel The Gripping Hand, and their odd take on the classic, Inferno), Theodore Sturgeon, Ben Bova, Spider Robinson, Alan Dean Foster, Philip K. D ick, L. Ron Hubbard, Frank Herbert and many, many others.

I read most of what Piers Anthony wrote...all good, though my tolerance for constant puns gets exceeded at times.

I absolutely loved Tolkein's Hobbit, LOTR series, Silmarillion.

I love anything by Stephen King.

Really like Anne McCaffrey's "The Ship Who Sang" and "The Rowan"

From back in the day, I read all of the "Conan the Barbarian" books, by the various authors, "The Martian Chronicles" and "Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley...

Edgar Rice Burroughs, Jules Vern, H.P Lovecraft all filled my imagination with alternate worlds and peoples.

I still read daily.
