Crypt Usteriana grown in low and medium light tanks with little to no maintenance, little to no fish even, no ferts and basic clay based substrate. Mother plants at 30+in and plantlets that send out spathes on a regular basis, always at least one in there at all times. When under good light with ferts the underside gets quite reddish. These are in overcrowded conditions so there will be some yellow or damaged leaves but the roots are crazy and these don't experience much crypt melt if any at all.
These do great in hard water, nearly unkillable (I kill java fern and moss...). May have algae or snails but minimal. May include random other crypts including balansae, hudoroi, affinis 'metallic red' and nurii. My plecos LOVE hanging out on these leaves btw.
I will not remove the cyrpts from the tank until I have a few packages sold and then I will send out the following Monday. Mind your weather please.
Medium Flat Rate - $32 Shipped
Large FR - $45 Shipped
Small FR - $19 Shipped (will be mostly plantlets due to size restrictions)
I will put in as many plants that will fit without damaging them. If you want local pickup (07727) or a custom size order just let me know. Pics are from the last batch I pulled, the tank back then and the overfilled pic is right now.
These do great in hard water, nearly unkillable (I kill java fern and moss...). May have algae or snails but minimal. May include random other crypts including balansae, hudoroi, affinis 'metallic red' and nurii. My plecos LOVE hanging out on these leaves btw.
I will not remove the cyrpts from the tank until I have a few packages sold and then I will send out the following Monday. Mind your weather please.
Medium Flat Rate - $32 Shipped
Large FR - $45 Shipped
Small FR - $19 Shipped (will be mostly plantlets due to size restrictions)
I will put in as many plants that will fit without damaging them. If you want local pickup (07727) or a custom size order just let me know. Pics are from the last batch I pulled, the tank back then and the overfilled pic is right now.