If she is having some buoyancy problems, you can fast her for a couple days, then feed some frozen daphnia. It would also be helpful to give her an epsom salt dip bath. Epsom salt will relieve the swelling and help clear out her bowels as well in case it is a constipation issue.
Add 1 tablespoon Epsom per 5 gallons for a bath dip. Keep her in for about 15-20 minutes 2 times a day.
Can get Epsom salt at most pharmacies or general stores like Walmart. Plain undyed and unscented is a must.
Not aquarium salt or table salt, it's Epsom you want for bloating and swim bladder problems.
Do you know what your ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate readings are at? That can help a lot.
Is she pooping?
Whats her diet, tank temperature, and how often do you do water changes?