fin rot. What to do?

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AC Members
Sep 26, 2005

Before you do ANYTHING like cutting a fish, why not try large daily water changes and a little aquarium salt in the water? Toxins (like the ammonia you mentioned) in the water are often the cause, and solving THIS problem may be your answer.

Many people have great success with this simple solution--very clean dechlorinated water + salt + a little bit of patience.
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AC Members
Dec 2, 2005
Ms. Bubbles,

today was the 3rd water change, salt has been added 3 days ago, the water has been clean, since the day this happened, but the fin rot is getting worse :( yesterday was just the tip of the fin, today almost the whole fin, my other angels fin are also getting this


AC Members
Jan 5, 2006
I tried Melafix and salt..One of my fishes just came back from the dead it seemed..He had fin rot and ich all together...And now the fish is doing fine..
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Roan Art

AC Members
Oct 7, 2005
Northern VA
Most likely your angels have been seriously weakened by being in toxic water conditions and do not have the immunity strength to fight off any stress or diseases.

Since the water conditions have been corrected, and they have not improved, then perhaps there is an underlying reason as to why they are continuing to develop fin rot.

It is possible, and you may not have been seeing it if it happens at night, that they are not getting along too well with each other. If that is the case, then the stress from that could compound the fin rot issue.

I would QT all the angels in separate tanks and treat them separately with fresh water and salt (1 tsp per gallon). Melafix will also help, and sometimes partnering it with Pimafix gives good results as well. I often use the two of them together.

Give them a rest from each other and some peace and quiet and see how they do.



AC Members
Dec 2, 2005
hmm .. I havnt seen any aggression towards any of my fish. My gourami are very peaceful, most are females so not very territorial at all. This seemed to happen right after adding my guppies and 1 new angel fish last saturday. I made one big mistake with them, is just adding them straight to our aquarium before treating them in case if they had any parasites or illness.

I am going to go out and buy a smaller aquarium for these angels, and see what happens from there. Im kind of feeling hopeless. This film on the fish isnt coming off either..


AC Members
Dec 2, 2005
ok.. now my gourami just died..Something is going on and i have no idea what to do.

The gourami was fine, no fin rot, nothing wierd, and he was doing what looked like he was in shock, or siezure, doing somersaults all over the tank. lasted a few seconds, now just laying at the bottom most likely dead..

what do i do? :confused:

I am so hopeless i feel that all my fish are going to die by tomorrow. My husband is checking the water parameters right now so i will be back with that. :help:


Nov 26, 2005
Rock Hill,South Carolina
Real Name
Test your tap water also.

Do a reading now and also put some in a cup and test after 24 hours.It will really tell you alot about your water conditions.

An earlier post says you have .25 Am. A cycled tank should have none, even if you add .25 every water change it should be dropped to 0 in 24 hours time.
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AC Members
Dec 2, 2005
Thank you Ice .

I dont know what is going on in my tank. when i had my tank cycled,( and i am looking at my list right now) all parameters were at 0 except for nitrate which was 5. I cant seem to get the ammonia down at all now. This is my 3rd day in a row of water changes, I dont add tap water straight into our aquarium, usually we let it sit for a day

Here are my reading from a few hours ago after water change,

PH 7.2
Ammonia - 0.25 unless im color blind
Nitrate - 5
Nitrite - 0
temperature - 80 usually at 76-78( we put it a bit higher , was told it helps with the fin rot)(thats when my gourami died) :mad2:

Can it be possible for the ammonia levels to change after adding chemicals such as the fungus eliminator, Algae remover and salt?

Also, maybe another possiblilty..( if you have read this thread, im am full of possibilities here :confused: )
We have our own Co2 set up using 2 bottles with mixture of yeast water and sugar. Which is on mostly 24/7. too much?

I thank you all who are trying to help me ;)

Roan Art

AC Members
Oct 7, 2005
Northern VA
crazy4beadz said:
Thank you Ice .

I dont know what is going on in my tank. when i had my tank cycled,( and i am looking at my list right now) all parameters were at 0 except for nitrate which was 5.
Where they at 0 throughout the entire cycle? If they were, then the tank is not cycled.

I cant seem to get the ammonia down at all now. This is my 3rd day in a row of water changes, I dont add tap water straight into our aquarium, usually we let it sit for a day
Have you tested the tap water? Letting the water sit for any amount of time will not remove chloramine. Please test your tap water ASAP.

PH 7.2
Ammonia - 0.25 unless im color blind
Nitrate - 5
Nitrite - 0
temperature - 80 usually at 76-78( we put it a bit higher , was told it helps with the fin rot)(thats when my gourami died)
Unless your tank is really not cycled, I suspect your tap water has chloramine in it. Chloramine will show up as ammonia in most test kits. Buy some Prime or Amquel + and treat the tank water with it. Again, please test your tap water and post those readings.

Can it be possible for the ammonia levels to change after adding chemicals such as the fungus eliminator, Algae remover and salt?
What kind of fungus eliminator are you using? Salt is okay, but why are you using algae remover? Slow down on the chemicals you are adding. You may be layering more problems into the mixture.

Also, maybe another possiblilty..( if you have read this thread, im am full of possibilities here :confused: )
We have our own Co2 set up using 2 bottles with mixture of yeast water and sugar. Which is on mostly 24/7. too much?
There's no way of knowing if it is too much unless we know what the KH and GH of your tap water is. Running CO2 without those numbers is a recipe for disaster.

What are you using as a check valve in the airline tubing?

If you do not have a GH/KH test kit, back off on the CO2 until you get one and can post the numbers.



AC Members
Dec 2, 2005
Where they at 0 throughout the entire cycle? If they were, then the tank is not cycled.
Yes, it has been completely cycled. Ammonia levels reached 0.25 as of last friday.

Have you tested the tap water? Letting the water sit for any amount of time will not remove chloramine. Please test your tap water ASAP.
Will have to correct myself with this one, talking over with my husband, (guess we are not on the same page here lol) he does use a water conditioner .. Brand: TetraAqua " Aqua Safe" Neutralizer for chlorine,chloramine, and heavy metals harmful for fish.

Unless your tank is really not cycled, I suspect your tap water has chloramine in it. Chloramine will show up as ammonia in most test kits. Buy some Prime or Amquel + and treat the tank water with it. Again, please test your tap water and post those readings.
ok, We tested our tap water as told, everything looks ok, nitrites were high.

What kind of fungus eliminator are you using? Salt is okay, but why are you using algae remover? Slow down on the chemicals you are adding. You may be layering more problems into the mixture.
We are using fungus eliminator by JUNGLE. We purchased that for the fin rot. We added in the algae remover, because we noticed the growth on the inside walls of the tank. Was said on the bottle that it creates a slime protection.

If you do not have a GH/KH test kit, back off on the CO2 until you get one and can post the numbers.
Thanks.. disconnected the Co2.. Will make sure to get the test kit soon.

Besides all of this, the water looks clear, ALgae problem is a least , fingers crossed. Fish still alive :eek:

They seem to be swimming much better this morning. Lights go on in 2 hours. Will check on their fins.

Thanks =)