why are there feedback limits per day ?
i left some last night and still today i can't leave any,
and yes i'm catching up.........i don't think that anyone should start fresh with all the people that have bought from me deserve to have something.. to thank them for their patronage,... and no i'm not doing it to get my numbers up..
for many are sold thru pm's and i have no record of their purchase, so they won't have a reply,.. which is unfair for them as i buy thru pms cause i don't like people seeing what i buy or don't buy, just a private person, but now we should buy out in the open for others to recieve their feedback,..
its a little sticky but i can live with it, but just when i get on a roll it stops me from posting anymore, if were going to do it we should be able to post till done,
some of us have other things to do besides return every single day to remember to post feedback,.. not that i don't like returning it's just that i keep forgetting to post again,...lol
as for finding past thread that one had made to offer for sale us the quick links and click on all you threads started and they will be there,... just go thru and find the for sale ones,..