I almost supported animal cruelty...yuck!

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AC Members
Oct 16, 2008
It should be noted that the GloFish were not banned for reasons pertaining to animal cruelty or any other such thing but rather because they claim that they don't know what this fish could do in the ecosystem if it was ever let lose.

Also can we please separate genetically modified fish from dyed/tattooed. It is not the same thing by a long shot. One is a gene swap with no harsh affects to a fish, the other is a stressful process to an actual living fish.

For those who haven't seen them here are GloFish
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AC Members
Dec 27, 2006
I have also heard that dyed fish fade with time, so if this is true, why do it to begin with. MONEY of course.

Are the neon colored danios dyed?

I would think that places like Petsmart would not want to have anything to do with animal cruelty.
According to PETA they are cruel to the animals.
Not shocking to me. I remember when I was little and was at PETCO some guy was joking about stomping on a hamster.

lol and you have felt "fish pain"? No? oh ok then that doesn't work either. Fact is we don't know if it physically hurts the fish or not, and until you have been a fish don't try to act like you know. Sure somethings are cruel and wrong to do to the fish (keeping them in really small places like the phones mentioned and betta cubes and such) but who are you to say this hurts or doesn't hurt the fish all you are doing is assuming based on your bias opinion (which everyone has including me).

Not saying it is right or wrong, just trying to put it into prespective.
You don't have to be the animal to observe that it can feel pain. I don't see why they wouldn't. Its a survival mechanism. Why can the fish suffer in a cube or phone thing but not during the dying process? Why should you be against one and then for the other? Opinions can be based on fact.


The REAL AC Mafia
Mar 18, 2008
PETA wants to ban fishkeeping altogether. It really depends on the individual stores when it comes to big chain stores. Some have healthy stock, some don't.

I agree on separating genetically modified fish, both through gene insertion and selective breeding, from dying and tatooing. Very different things with different ethical concerns.

Just a clarifying point for those new here-there are plenty of killifish who aren't annuals.


AC Members
Oct 16, 2008
You don't have to be the animal to observe that it can feel pain. I don't see why they wouldn't. Its a survival mechanism. Why can the fish suffer in a cube or phone thing but not during the dying process? Why should you be against one and then for the other? Opinions can be based on fact.
Ok I think you are really a little bit turned around here. I am not saying it is right or wrong nor am I giving my opinion on the matter. I am merely saying you can't say one thing just cause you assume it based on a bias opinion. For example you claim your opinion based on fact just cause you have an article well then we must both be right cause I found one to the contrary: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/02/10/1044725683181.html. So now who's opinion is based on fact? Pain is actually more complicated then you think. For example here is a great quote from this website:http://fishscam.com/faqPain.cfm
The world's foremost expert on the subject is Dr. James D. Rose of the University of Wyoming. He's spent 30 years working on questions of neurology, examining data on the responses of animals to painful stimuli. In 2003 Rose published a landmark study in the journal Reviews of Fisheries Science, concluding that animals need specific regions of the cerebral cortex in order to feel pain. And fish do not have them.
The fact is you don't know for sure and niether do I until we become a fish and feel what it is like.
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AC Members
Nov 30, 2008
Ok I think you are really a little bit turned around here. I am not saying it is right or wrong nor am I giving my opinion on the matter. I am merely saying you can't say one thing just cause you assume it based on a bias opinion. For example you claim your opinion based on fact just cause you have an article well then we must both be right cause I found one to the contrary: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2003/02/10/1044725683181.html. So now who's opinion is based on fact? Pain is actually more complicated then you think. For example here is a great quote from this website:http://fishscam.com/faqPain.cfm
The fact is you don't know for sure and niether do I until we become a fish and feel what it is like.
You don't have to be a fish. Come to asia and i will dyed u right away. How about green. That would look like incredible hulk. Pretty cool, isn't it? Just kidding.:lol:


AC Members
Oct 16, 2008
Humans aren't fish and fish aren't humans. What you feel or think you would feel is not the same. End of story. If you don't believe me take a basic Biology class. Besides a think a Scientist with 30 years of research would know a little bit more then me or you.