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AC Members
Sep 25, 2006
The Voodoo ceremony will not be necessary, all appears to be OK. It's cichlid time in there: female in the cave, male chasing everyone away, I assume the Econoline set-up did the trick with the lady. The male is even chasing the otos away... The otos are of course completely innocent, doing nothing at all, except you know, sucking on the glass completely motionless.

So I have a new goal: peace and harmony in the tank. There is no need for war. I have changed the posters, replacing Pamela and David with pictures of peace and reconciliation icons: Gandhi, Lady Di, Dr Phil and Freud, in case the male agression is linked to some kind of repression or who knows what...

I have also put some chamomile tisane in the filter to make sure everyone is a little more zen. I'll play them some John Tesh or Yanni later, you know, some new age stuff. But Tesh usually makes me angry and violent, and so does Yanni, so hopefully just a few songs will be enough.

But one needs to plan ahead. So should that fail, I have some nice lavander bubble bath with essential oil (got it in a crappy Christmas gift exchange, don't ask); a few drops of that in the tank will make everyone super calm, I am sure about that.

I have to say that breeding kribs is a little more challenging than expected.


AC Members
Sep 25, 2006
Well, something bad happened. I think I put the pieces of the puzzle together.

1- Still in the mood for some good times, the little horny couple decided to go for one last wild hump ride in the van.

2- Even with the eggs lying right bove them in their love cave, the little naugthy couple overused the bong (I knew I should have taken it out of there), got the munchies and since everything in the fridge was already consumed, ate the eggs.

3- The next day, realizing what they have done and unable to cope with the horrifying act they had just commited, the shamefull little couple split up. The lady krib has actually moved out of the cave, the cave is not protected anymore, they don't even swim together... I think I heard her scream "Don't look at me, I'm horrible", but in all fairness, it could have been my neighbours...

Valuable lesson here: Drugs are bad. mkay?...


AC Members
Sep 25, 2006
Well thank you guys for your support.

I had a little too much fun writing about the whole thing, didn't I?

Just a quick update: the female really took it more badly than me. She became depressed and shy, eating (maybe) sparringly. I just tought it was a bad hangover, but when I saw her spitting out the bloodworms, I realized something must be wrong.

We are talking here about a pretty lady, but with awful table manners. I mean, the male eats like a pig all the time, it is obviously the thing he likes best to do after working out. But as an agressive eater that dude is, the lady was worse. I mean she lookes like that lady Champion eater, Sonya Thomas, that beats out male when inhaling hotdog after hotdog. Except that she was eating at least 4 or 5 bloodworms at the same time. (the krib, not Sonya) It was completely disgusting to see. I could not look away.

So her spitting bloodworms bits was a major concerned. Did the big male call her fat, or was it more like the HIH thing that did take a few cichlids I had before?

Not taking any chance, I gave her baths of Metro (1 hour). The first day, she was just pissed. The second day, she went for the bloodworm bits that I gave her at the end of the bath. Since some Metro was not completely dissolved, she probably ate quite a bit of that while eating the worms.

Now, 4 baths later, she eats again, swims again, flirts again a little, and she has a 2 inch log hanging out, she is trying swim away from that. I was never so happy to see poo. A couple more days to rest, and I'll try to fatten her up again. Slowly.

Meanwhile, 2 shrimps are missing. I was not surprised, were are talking kribs here. And it is not the first time it happens. My cats ate a couple of them from the smaller tank, and I did find one remain on the floor, all dried up.

But this time, they did leave a note:

Dude, you are obsessed with your kribs and we hate John Tesh. You suck. We are out of here. We will get our revenge. It's on.

Signed Chico and Juanita.

PS: Send some cash. We'll tell you how on our blog.


If discus ruled the world!
Mar 20, 2007
maybe your cats and fish have chosen sides and your stuck in the middle of one nasty love triangle. Good luck and i would prob. sleep with one eye open.ha ha


AC Members
Sep 25, 2006
Actually, this is cat TV. They just stare at the 2 "big" tanks and are hypnotized. I guess they consider it fair game only if there is an escapee. Completely missing are 1 WC minnow and a couple of shrimps. Vanished.

Now the couple seems to be getting ready to go at it for another round. Either that male is really a sweet talker (you would not say that looking at him) or that is one easy female krib. I think it is the female. That belly dancing she is doing is quite unlady-like. I could probably help her by setting up a little stage with a pole.

I mean what else could I possibly do to help them figure it out what to do? A demonstration? Well I could always ask my brother in law. Like I said, he did experience a similar problem back then, but he never told me one thing. He bought a krib costume and a giant size female krib inflatable replica (his first wife didn't want to play the part, she said it was stupid) and he used pingpong balls to represent the eggs, but he did not tell me how he managed to stick these things to the ceiling...


AC Members
Mar 15, 2007

I introduced a male krib to a pair of girls I had, ended up having to remove one of the girls because the other one was harassing her too much (trying to stop her stealing her new man I imagine).

About 3 or 4 days later she disappeared, then another 2 days and around 20-25 fry... they lasted about a week and something ate them (**** first time parents). I think she's putting on a bit of weight again now, about 3 weeks later so hopefully they'll give it another shot again soon.

One thing I found interesting was the female krib being a bit less than 2" long, chasing off and nipping at my growing Afra Cobue... for those who aren't familiar with Afra's, he's only around 3" at the moment but probably 3 times her size overall with big serrated teeth.


AC Members
Sep 25, 2006

My lovely couple have improved their landscaping skills, doing some neat mounds of rocks instead of throwing them all over the place like their first time, but that is their biggest improvement.

Until this last week, they have had a couple of half-arse attemps, but this week, it looks serious, with a lot of this kind of thing going on:

- I will wag my tail right in your face, dude.

- Oh baby, I want you so muc.. hey is that food?

(male krib getting a tail in the face)

- Oh no you didn't!

And then he goes at her, she does that slutty "look at my stomach" arch and eventually, they retreat to the van. She stays in more than usual, but she still gets out..

I AM really getting annoyed. And so is the other female krib in the 15 gal, bigger, fatter, more opinionated. Her red belly dot almost joins at her back!! This girl wants it so bad..

I am thinking of trying some kind of switcheroo if this current dance aborts again.

Mind you, the male krib really rejected her, he was pretty much chasing her all the time. Not in the "I will give it to you kinky, baby" way, more in the "I'm gonna f-ing kill you, baby" way. She was always hiding somewhere.

So how would that go??


AC Members
Sep 25, 2006
Well, here is one thing I learned about that male krib: he lacks traditional family values. And he is now a wife-swapper..

So I made some re-lansdcaping in all tanks. The krib tank wsa divided in 2 sections, since I was planning to reintroduce the first rejected female to see if the male had second thoughts..

While I was doing that, the 3 kribs were floating in seperate bags, but in the same bucket. When realease time came, I let the male go first, then, the rejected female.

Now remember, that female was so big and so red and well fed. She was the boss of the gourami tank. Well as soon as she swam out of the bag, she went straight in front of the male and jiggled. And she was not going to take no for an answer. One might say horny, or some kind of a nympho spell that took her over for some time.

Hopefully, they'll start seriously to think about getting, you know,it on..