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AC Members
Jun 1, 2007
SW, Montana
omg I was laughing so hard reading this thread I had tears going down my cheeks


AC Members
Sep 25, 2006
OK, so correct me if I am wrong, but a missing female is a very good sign, is it not?


Better to keep my hopes down a little, this is a first attempt for this female. But she looks a lot more talented than the other. Allright, she is not missing, I can see head coming out of the cave.

The rest of the tank is acting as if it does not know what to do.

Most affected is the male, who is really having a hard time coping with the situation. He looks in a post-partum depression state. For a while, he went to hide in the other cave, he never did that. He mainly stays in front of the main cave and tries to sneak a peak inside. I know 'cause I'm doing the same.. But while I look goofy and proud, he looks pensive and anxious, as if he now just realises that while sex is fun, sucessfull sex leads to adult responsibilities, even if you are still a teenager..

The remaining shrimps are now braver for that and lie around in mid-level; that used to be no-shrimp-land.. And the Harlequins? They are collectively perplexed by the krib's new state, and are having little breaks from the quiet herd behaviour they usually display. I think they should enjoy it while it lasts, since they are about to get cornered for a little while if all goes well..

Hum.. Breeder for the second time in one week. I know they are just kribs and dwarf gouramis, but still, this is not bad at all. :)


AC Members
Sep 25, 2006
Well, it did not go well.

The female is out swimming again. Pretty hungry after a 4 day retreat. So much that she was swimming an inch out of the water to eat the bloodworms hanging from the pipette. It truly feels like feeding a free Free Willy.

So the male is a little bummed out and hangs around the cave a lot, trying to lure her back in or trying to prevent her from getting back in, who knows..

Now after going to the store, I can tell you that my kribs are still pretty young, the male is not even 5.5 cm long.. Compared to what I saw in the store tanks, he is much hotter, but very small. And my big female is even smaller. So I have juvies. Time is on my side.

Thinking ahead, I ordered some of Stephen Colbert's Stephen Colbert's Formula 402 and I will be dropping a few drops in the tank as soon as it gets here. Now that will do the trick.

Success is imminent.


Registered Member
Jun 6, 2007
LOL that was awesome!! I too have Kribs... mine ate their first batch o' fry.... hopefully soon they will do the "deed" again. I am rooting for your fish! You remember what it was like your first couple of times right? "Ok so this goes here.... and now I do this...." Imagine what they must be going through!!


AC Members
Sep 25, 2006
Well, time is suspended in that tank, the main activity in there for the lady is waiting to be fed while looking like a cross between Britney Spears (bald version) and The Scream. The male still looks over the entrance of the cave. I really don't have the knack for kribs..

I still enjoy the tank very much and I while I find the female fun (well, not today), it is the male I think is the babe . He is one hunk of a krib, 6 eyes lined up under a white-red-orange stripe on his dorsal fin that goes almost to the end of his tail. Maybe he is a little too pretty if you know what I mean.. The mrs is always in breeding colours, so fingers crossed!!

I should really ask my brother in law, Ron. He has bred almost everything. You will not be surprised to learn he lives on the West Coast. Last time we talked, he was so proud to share his pics of shark fry, first time in years he attemped that. He claim it is Great White fry, but from the pics, they clearly looked Hammerhead to me. But he is the expert, so.. All the family is a little freaked out about that since the last time he got into shark breeding, an unfortunate accident happened to his first wife.

They had been arguing about the tanks taking all the basement for months, and when Ron brought up the idea of using the back yard pool ON A TEMPORARY BASIS to house his almost fully grown 5 GW, the wife selfishly said no way.

One day, Ron freaked out because the sharks really looked bored in their 90 gal, so he moved them to the pool anyway while the wife was at work. Seems like a lot of dedication to fish, but if you knew Ron, you would not be surprised. He once brought back bloodworms and an Anubia for a bi-polar gourami when his first wife, Debbie, sent him out to get baby formula for the triplets, they were almost out..

She was pissed, but like Ron pointed out, if Debbie had not given up on breastfeeding after 10 seconds, they would not be having this discussion, and that anyway, they had enough formula for 2 of the babies untill tomorow and since Joey, the smallest one with TB was not eating anyways and was already sleeping, what was the big deal, he'd go get the formula tomorow morning.. That was the first time she went back to live with her parents, but she came back 2 days later. Drama Queen.

But back to the pool thingy, to make a long story short, Debbie gets home, goes to take a dip, yadda yadda yadda, the docs could not reattache the limbs, back to her parents for a while.. You know, every familly has a story like that..


AC Members
Sep 25, 2006

Yes, my kribs have finally laid eggs. It is not has joyfull, as I imagined. I was completely stunned when I discovered them. It could not have happened at a worse time. That tank that has been stable for months just strangely went way off.

Well, it has been a chain of events. First, the ditters switcheroo: I decided to put the Harlequins with the Gouramis and the Cherry Barbs with the Kribs. The H were getting pretty big and one big female looks pretty much like Jaws. (she is one tought looking dyke) The CB are little wooses when they get chased a little and they hide. It worked, the Kribs seemed to enjoy the quiet and they moved into the cave. Save for the male, the tank looked completely empty: the female mostly stayed in, but she got out everytime I approached, so I thought nothing was happening.

Then last Saturday, my little nephew, the one with TB, was visiting. He was looking at the tank, coughed, a giant ball of TB infected mucus lands in the tank. First, I punished the child by putting him in his thinking box for a little time out, then went on to take care of the tank situation and do a partial WC. By moving the cave for clean up, I touched the female on the nose. She was not going away from that coconut shell, but still hyper about the toxic mucus situation, I did not investigate further..

The next day, after I let little Chad out, he wanted to apologize to the fish, I told him not to bring food in my bedroom, but since he has a major ear infections in both ears and that the mucus fusionned with wax almost completely blocks any sound, he did not ear me. He went next to the tank, dropped a banana peel, stepped on it, slipped, his egg benedict flew into the air and landed into the tank. I know these eggs are disgusting, but that is all the kid eats, he's allergic to everything else but bananas. As I run in the room, I see Chad putting himself in his thinking box, the Ghost Shrimps are already munching on the sauce. I decide to do a partial WC. I notice the female has a little white dot on her nose, but I can't see well, she is in the cave. As soon as it is done, I go to talk to little Chad to explain to him why he would stay in the box until the next day and that if he needed to drink, I would give him water even if his mom told me not to. Of course, he is in a box and his ears are still blocked, so I had to scream all that really loud, and it got quite tiring.

In the mean time, the kribs were now acting a little differently, but I blamed that on Chad's incidents and punished him preemptivly to prevent the next mishap. It did not work...

The next day, well the next evening, (warning, mature content ahead) after I put Chad to bed, a very special friend a mine came by, we went to my bedroom, and you know, proceeded to do what normal people do in a bedroom, in a bed with whipped cream, honey, ropes, Saran Wrap, elastic bands, a 9V battery, duct tape, a flathead screwdriver, safety pins, olive oil and a candle when that candle was somehow tipped over in all the action and started a fire in the curtains. I always sleep with a fire extinguisher under my pillow, so I put it out no problem, but all the noise woke up little Chad who ran into the room to see if the tank was OK. I was doing the same so the lid was open. I got surprised, turned around , tried to hide my Johnson with the fire extinghisher, but it slipped out (my hands were oily..), landed in the tank upside down, it hit a rock and fired up IN THE TANK.. Little Chad has to fish it out since my hands are still oily. The next WC was to be done the next day, so I went to bed after putting Chad to sleep again and untying Chris who had been good emotional support and a pretty good sport given the circumstances.

So the next day, I go to do the WC, I see the female out and about with that little white spot looking like a bruise, so the nurse in me says lets give her a little salt bath while we clean up (it helped before with another fish, so..) I fish her out, and the male is acting really like he cannot believe what is going on. I move the cave around, flip it and BOOM, there they are. Krib eggs. With the cave moved around , with the female bagged and salted and the male freaked out.

At that very moment, I realize that this first successful attempt at reproduction by this pair might not be happening in the best of situations..

This is now the day after and they are back at their antics of the last few days, the female comes out only to eat or when she thinks she is gonna be fed, and that is everytime anything or anyone gets close to the tank.

Will they hatch, these eggs??


AC Members
Apr 20, 2007
Orlando, FL
Only if you can keep your nephew from eating them with hollandaise sauce.


AC Members
Sep 25, 2006
Well, what a day.

Do not worry anymore about Rudy, my little nephew with TB, I shipped him back to the West coast to his parents. Turns out his thinking box is also how he travels: it is cheaper and little Rudy is used to being in it for long periods of time. We usually try to ship him at least priority mail, but not this time (I had to buy milk ) so it is regular mail. I love the little dude, but he is so gross..

Came home, saw something unusual in the tank.. what were those? Leftovers? Quiche leftovers? Darn.. Coming so close to seing baby kribs, I felt a huge disappointment. I sat on my bed to try to compose myself then I heard what should have been good news, Pfeiffer, my cat that was missing for a couple of days, purring.

Little note about Pfeiffer (please pronounce the P.. ;) ), I got him at the shelter, he was about to be put down. Almost perfectly healthy, but he is one of those hairless egyptian cats, so he is quite ugly to start with, but he is also albino had has a little bit of eczema on his legs that are permanentaly covered with tiny red spots. He has been gone the last couple of days, I thought he was in the box with little Rudy, but when I let him out to go #1 before I shipped him, but Pfeiffer was not in the box.. Where the heck was it??

Well, hearing purring right behind me answered that question: he is right there on my bed. Without looking, I reached back to pet it a little, and I felt .. what fur? No not fur, but.. I screamed and jumped, turned around and yelled: "Who are you and what did you do to my cat?"

Then I saw..

It was Pfeiffer allright. But something horrible has been done to him. The cat does not understand why I am not petting him, but I can't. He has reached a new phase of uglyness, He now sports a red mowhawk.. How can that be? He is also wearing a collar, so he was obviously drugged, and a little envelope is attached. I opened it and started reading:

"You were warned, so do not be surprised.

We told you we would get our revenge. This is how we did it. We kidnapped your cat and took it to an underground hair doctor/terrorist. He used to work for some communist european country. He implanted on your cat's skull genetically modified ginger hair that will grow its roots right through your cat's brain should you try to shave him. Now we are getting ready for the next act in our revenge, so please send more money, you know the drill.

It is still on.

Chico and Juanita"


AC Members
Sep 25, 2006
These are pretty sad times.

The spots on my female's head have turnes into tiny little cavities. I was relieved first since it could not be HITH disease, since there are more than one. Otherwise, it would be called holeS in the head disease.

Then, I started to think.. What else could it be? So the five gallon that was supposed to be there as a nursery became a hospital tank. The female is enjoying some Clout time in there, and there seems to be some improvements in her condition. At first, I did not like the look of it all: where else did I see fish in blue water?

In the mean time, the little spare female was reintroduced to my huge 20gal krib tank. Needless to say that my male was a little confused for 30 seconds, but then accepted her with open fins. She was his first love after all.. My male krib is such a slut..

And be reassured, my TB infected nephew Tommy did make it allright back to his family. His mom had some questions about the fire incident, but appart from that, all is well. Ron advised me to place houseplants on both sides of the tank to gine the kribs the illusion of safety. Why not? He also gave me some very deep words of wisdom:

"To your fish, you are the river, part of a mini-male Gaïa. You're Gaïo."

I think Ron needs stronger medication.


AC Members
Sep 25, 2006
It was a dark and stormy night..

No, it was a warm and humid day, actually, it is just freaking hot in here these days. I forgot to put on the AC the first day of that warm weather, and there were some casualties. In the krib tank, one barb; two honey and a peppered cory from that tank and some gourami fry. Do I need to mention the sick female krib. It was above, well above 95F and the change was probably brutal, my appartment faces south and around 10h30, it just gets like an oven, so I had left at 10 am. Showers were probable, so all windows were closed. Got home at 1 am and the wall were hot. I'm talking inside walls..

So the next day, I did maintenance, WC and I used my new scrubber to do a mighty fine job on the algea.

Of course, being a natural blond, my male krib then attacked his reflection non stop and tried to intimidate himself. Next to him, the female was (and still is) going strong, and she kept vibrating and vibrating like an a sexy fish version of the Energizer bunny. If she gets that male to procreate, she will deserve a medal or something special like a night out, a day at the spa or whatever.

But honestly, that male krib is so dumb, he is like those birds that fly in a living room window. When, he gets spooked, he sometimes run into the glass. I don't usually name fish, but this one is close to be baptised "Señor Dumbass".

I moved the caves in the center of the tank and tried to block as much reflective surface as I could with plants and rocks. They have ajusted pretty quickly, especially the female who went into vibrating mode as soon as my hand left the tank. When she does bot vibrate, she digs from the cave.

As always, success is imminent. If some of you could go to church or simply mention my kribs in your prayers at night, I am sure it would help.

I for one have stopped having sex untill these fish produce fry and I channel that energy to the tank using a blend of yoga, tai-chi and native-american techniques under the guidance of a Shaman from Togo. Chris is not amused..