If you know of a good fish shop in your area post it here. This will allow others to find some good shops from all around the world hopefully. Try to use the guidelines below for posting if you can.
Shop Name
Phone #
Any non disruptive opinions about the shop
If it is a chain store try to list the store number as some are really good while others, well shouldn't even be open.
Let see how long we can get this list.
Thanks to BloodThirsty28 for bringing up the idea. I'm not sure why this has not been done yet but it is a good idea.
EDIT: I noticed a lot of people bringing up concerns about organization. If you would like to search for a specific area, use the "search this thread" function at the top of the page.
-J double R
Shop Name
Phone #
Any non disruptive opinions about the shop
If it is a chain store try to list the store number as some are really good while others, well shouldn't even be open.
Let see how long we can get this list.
Thanks to BloodThirsty28 for bringing up the idea. I'm not sure why this has not been done yet but it is a good idea.
EDIT: I noticed a lot of people bringing up concerns about organization. If you would like to search for a specific area, use the "search this thread" function at the top of the page.
-J double R
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