Platys dying!

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Plants need meat too
Feb 18, 2007
Gainesville, FL
Real Name
I'm not experienced enough with goldies to know why they may change colors. I know it can happen naturally with different strains but that would be a question better suited for those that frequent the coldwater section more often than I...


AC Members
May 24, 2011
why don't you take some water from your tank in a sterilized test tube (sterilized anything) to your LFS and get the parameters tested? most will do it for you for a charge. do ask them to write them down for you as they are precise values. and then post them asap


AC Members
Mar 4, 2007
Moonstruck? Nice response.
Thanks so much. =)

Casey, it sounds like you're on the right track. Since you're at college and it's your parents now taking care of the tank, haha, I always just requested that my mom take a little cup of tank water to the pet store when she went to go buy fish food. Have the store people write down everything, and then just have your parents read it directly to you (otherwise, my mom always added extraneous details that never quite made sense..... mothers. :rolleyes: It's likely that your parameters will be off, simply because your goldfish is going to get bigger and bigger in a fairly small tank, and the amount of waste that he makes will just get bigger with him.

As for the picture, lots of animals, goldfish included, go through a gradual color change as they age. It's simply in their genetics. Since she's a common goldfish, she could have quite a WIDE variety of different genes to play out with her color, and it may be near impossible to predict what color changes she'll go through. Ultimately, if her scales are still bright, she's active, and her body isn't distended in any way, I wouldn't be too concerned - just something to appreciate. =)
The bump looks more like an injury/cyst than in infection to me, and those, especially on the fins, aren't something that you really need to lose sleep over. I've seen these on my fish all the time, especially when they're new (they'll spook and run into a wall/decor pretty hard, and bang themselves up a little), and it usually goes away with a little time. Clean water is definitely important, the same way you'd want to keep an injury clean on your own body, but nothing more really. Hope that allays your fears a little!

And I hope you're enjoying college =) I miss it, to be honest.