Shish is a single male betta, approximately 2.5 years old, kept in a 3.5 gallon tank. Parameters are all good at every weekly test/25% change.
He suffered (I think) a case of popeye maybe two months ago, which was treated with Melafix; his eye is still cloudy but the swelling has gone down, so I think he may have injured it. The past few weeks or so, he has seemed like he's slowing down.
- He's lethargic. Spending a lot of time on the bottom of the tank, and a lot of that is split between hiding in his gem and hanging out right below his favorite spot at the front of the tank, where he can be nosy and look out at everyone always.
- He seems to be having trouble getting around. When it's feeding time, he swims as quickly as he can to the top of the tank but seems to struggle a bit, eats his food, and then slowly drifts back down.
- Every so often, he can remain neutrallly buoyant for a few minutes at a time.
- Any time he is not actively swimming, he slowly drifts down.
I've been leaning toward SBD, maybe dropsy...but he is not lacking for appetite, he's not on his side or upside down, and he's got zero bloating.
I just want to know what's wrong with our boy and was hoping y'all have some input.
He suffered (I think) a case of popeye maybe two months ago, which was treated with Melafix; his eye is still cloudy but the swelling has gone down, so I think he may have injured it. The past few weeks or so, he has seemed like he's slowing down.
- He's lethargic. Spending a lot of time on the bottom of the tank, and a lot of that is split between hiding in his gem and hanging out right below his favorite spot at the front of the tank, where he can be nosy and look out at everyone always.
- He seems to be having trouble getting around. When it's feeding time, he swims as quickly as he can to the top of the tank but seems to struggle a bit, eats his food, and then slowly drifts back down.
- Every so often, he can remain neutrallly buoyant for a few minutes at a time.
- Any time he is not actively swimming, he slowly drifts down.
I've been leaning toward SBD, maybe dropsy...but he is not lacking for appetite, he's not on his side or upside down, and he's got zero bloating.
I just want to know what's wrong with our boy and was hoping y'all have some input.