?Tanked?, a New TV Show for Aquarium Enthusiasts

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AC Members
Jan 31, 2011
ANyone know were I can see one of these? I want to see what everyone is talking about. Preferably not where my watching it will give them ratings.


AC Members
Sep 9, 2010
Detroit Metro area, Michigan
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i kind of like the show. The characters are funny, and I'm not exposed to a lot of saltwater fish, and some of them are really beautiful. Tonight's episode they did this tank for some sick kid, but the other tank they did was an actual living reef aquarium which was gorgeous with live coral, a refugereom (?) tank to feed the corals, nice schools of saltwater tank, and it didn't look overstocked like some of the previous tanks. The living reef aquarium wasn't some weird shape like in some of their episodes. It was just a nice huge rectangular tank with coral friendly fish.


www.centralcoastreefclub. com
Oct 3, 2005
The coral tank was bad on many levels. Bad coral selection, bad coral placement, overstocked with some really bad choices for fish, and NO flow in the tank.. they show the wife pulling a linckia starfish out of the water and holding it out under the lights. Worst thing you can do to one of the most delicate starfish out there. The refugium they built is no way sufficient to filter that size tank and that many fish. From what was shown, I would give a 100% coral death rate and at least a 75% death rate on the fish in the first 6 months. Size of the tank, being so tall, makes it very difficult to do any work on the tank, which is really bad on a reef tank because your always getting your hands wet moving corals around.

The kids tank was cool, only issue I had with that one was again, severely overstocked with inadequate filtration.


AC Members
Jan 6, 2009
I have been waiting for many years for a good aquaria hobby show similar to Guppies to Groupers years ago. Tanked is not it.


www.centralcoastreefclub. com
Oct 3, 2005
Why do I keep watching this show.. LOL. It makes me so angry, even after learning more about the behind the scenes aspects (ie. they film 45 days worth and edit it down to 10 minutes for each tank and they do cycle tanks/acclimate fish properly). I think it is like the "accident on the highway" thing, no matter how much you know you shouldn't look and you should be paying attention to the road, you just can't help but looking at the wreck.

I was watching last nights show with the "skateboard tank" and besides the obvious stupidity to making a tank that is a skateboard ramp, they can't even properly identify the fish going into the tank. They want a shark, porcupine puffer, large wrasse, and then he says he wants a "Rusty Angel" and then they go and show the so called "Rusty angel" and it is actually a Potter's Angel, completely different fish. At a bare minimum, can they at least identify the fish correctly that they are talking about? Imagine a "car show" and the particular show is focusing on Ford and the bring in a BMW and call it a Ford.


AC Members
Feb 12, 2011
San Jose, CA
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yeah, it looks awesome, but in some episodes it seems kind of they are just trying to make money

forgot which episode i saw

but they put one of those sharks that max out at 3ft like those leopard type ones in a 10ftX4ftX4ft desk under a reciptionist...........

seems kind of cramped


I dont do Tuesdays.
Jul 19, 2010
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I like the show. The fish dont die. Thnk about it-theywould be out of buisness if the fish and corals died right away.


www.centralcoastreefclub. com
Oct 3, 2005
Corals? Seems pretty hard for plastic coral inserts to die, don't you think? ;)

The fish do die, just not as bad as it appears they would, but when you stick 100 fish in a tank the size of a jukebox, 1/2 of them damsels, there is no question that at least 50% will die in the first month, even with proper cycling/acclimation. It comes down to "proper stocking" and they still fail on that part, ie. putting 50 yellow tangs in a phone booth tank, that is just wrong and very cruel to do to a tang that requires lots of horizontal swimming room.

Oh ya, at the end of last nights episode with the skateboard ramp/tank, the fish in the tank was actually a Rusty Angel, they just showed a Potter's angel at the wholesalers. Still, the ramp was terrible. It has almost 0 curve to it, way to much vertical to it (I used to build lots of skateboard ramps growing up), and even the people that bought the tank were questioning if it had enough curve to it.


wocka wocka wocka!
Mar 16, 2011
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yeah...uh...so...skateboard ramp.

Does anybody in their "think tank" understand how well water conducts vibration...such as skateboard rolling around and banging? I may be a member of generation fubar, but the upswing is that I was a skater kid before i started breaking bones...and those things are loud loud loud loud...i mean neighbors would complain about my friend's skate ramp when they were in a house 3 acres away with the doors and windows closed...now fill their house with water and skate on the roof.

LOL thats not gonna stress any fish to death.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and did anybody notice how dissapointed that guy was with the beer keg tank? I mean the guy was able to sex and identify many of his cichlids by sight off the top of his head...I think he'd probably notice that the tank is full of fake choral and footballs! ROFL...I mean i'm into cars and guns etc...but i don't fill my tank with them...i build my cars nice and keep them in the parking lot/garage, and i collect guns and take good care of them but i keep them all locked in the gun case...so this guy is into sports and they fill his tank with footballs? I like how the guys says "she put her wedding gift in our hands!" lol...and you guys messed it up...bad.

I need to stay away from this show before my heart explodes at 30.
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