look what I get to babysit

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Betta Babe
Dec 26, 2002
How often do you take care of him? Because in my mind he's still being neglected, unless you're able to have him for the majority of the day. Even if you do have him for the majority of the day, he deserves a better life. The difference is if you have him for the majority of the day (EVERY day) then the authorities won't be able to step in.


Colby's Pincher (24X)
Aug 5, 2006
I have him from about 10:30-11:00 an to about 7-8 pm when his owner gets home,my animal control didnt even do anything for a 12 yo dog living in a small pen with no house and he had a very larg(softball size)tumor on his back.they said he was fed so they couldnt do anything :mad2:


AC Members
Jan 11, 2006
I keep our Chocolate Lab in a kennel while we are at work. If I don't then I have to clean up 10lb piles of poop when I get home and no thanks. He is just fine. He has no aggression problems AT ALL, he is very socialized. He is well trained and very happy. So just leaving them in a kennel during the day isn't animal abuse. If they are leaving him in there when they are home, that's totally different.


AC Members
Jun 5, 2006
That is because when you get home you let him out, play with him and give him attention. My pomeranian is in a crate to but when we get home it is all about him. If you really think this animal is being abused then you need to do something about it. It is just like if you know a child is being abused and you don't say anything, you are just as guilty as the abuser for knowing about it and letting it continue to happen. I would call the police department and let them know. Let them know that animal control is also not doing anything when you call. They have people they have to report to also and if they are not doing their jobs correctly then someone needs to know about that also. You owe it to the puppy, it is not his fault that he is in this situation.


Betta Babe
Dec 26, 2002
Jodi, that calls for alone training. Does your Lab have separation anxiety? A kennel is a dog house with a fenced run for the dog. This is adequate for a dog to stay in while you're at work. A crate (which is what Bettsgurl is referring to) is a cage, completely inadequate for any dog to spend extended periods of time in.

Kmgriff, I definitely agree!


AC Members
Jan 11, 2006
Our dog is in an indoor kennel. He has enough room to turn around, he can stand up, but that's about it. Sure, I would like to let him in an outdoor kennel but there is no way I am keeping him outside in our neighborhood. Our neighbors have had their dogs stolen and another neighbors dog was poisoned.

I have experience with dogs, I used to work with the large dogs at a no kill shelter, and have found that keeping them in an indoor "crate" if you will, as long as they can turn around and stand up, is the best option for a dog with potty problems. He does not hate his kennel in fact if he gets scared that is the first place he will run to. I used the kennel for my other dog, and eventually she no longer needed it. I hope this to be the case with him as well.

My dog is let out of his kennel as soon as we get home and he gets plenty of exercise. Here is a pic of my puppies...you can tell that they are both very healthy...



Colby's Pincher (24X)
Aug 5, 2006
well now that she has let me litter box train him(odd i know ;)but its easier to clean than training pads )he is alot happier,he plays with the other dogs,harrasses the cats......:p:
I got him a bunch of toys and treats,his owner gets him to the groomer(she has more money than brains),all she gets them to do is bathe/brush and trim him.I may offer to do that so he doesnt get so upset,he hates the groomers already :rolleyes:

I'll try to get more pics of him.
Last edited:


Colby's Pincher (24X)
Aug 5, 2006
jodimartin2003 said:
Our dog is in an indoor kennel. He has enough room to turn around, he can stand up, but that's about it. Sure, I would like to let him in an outdoor kennel but there is no way I am keeping him outside in our neighborhood. Our neighbors have had their dogs stolen and another neighbors dog was poisoned.

I have experience with dogs, I used to work with the large dogs at a no kill shelter, and have found that keeping them in an indoor "crate" if you will, as long as they can turn around and stand up, is the best option for a dog with potty problems. He does not hate his kennel in fact if he gets scared that is the first place he will run to. I used the kennel for my other dog, and eventually she no longer needed it. I hope this to be the case with him as well.

My dog is let out of his kennel as soon as we get home and he gets plenty of exercise. Here is a pic of my puppies...you can tell that they are both very healthy...

they are beautiful jodie!is the 2nd german shepard mix?also that look he/she is giving the camera,that is the look of wanting food lol.
they look healthy and happy :thm:


AC Members
Jan 11, 2006
Thanks, Yes she is a German Sheperd mix, I was told she was mixed with malamute, but who really knows. That girl is my best friend. She is getting kind of old now though. She is at least 7 years old. I got her as an adult, so I'm not really sure. The vet can only estimate age.