I'm running 6 fluvals. From the 104 to the FX5. The 04 and 05 series are better than the older ones. I also use HOB's, the bigger the better. Just remember to always add new stock slowly.WhaT TypE OF CanisteR DO YoU ReccomenD Duke33?
It took me about 10 minutes to decipher this.+H3 @quacLeaRz F1L+3rz LQQK hAw+ /\/\@n.
g3+ ACz20-30 fO +h3 10Gee
Acz70 f0 +h3 55Gee
g3+z a c@n1s+3r Fo +h3 120. LQQK 1nt0 R3N@
b+\/\/ 1v3 g0+z @n AcZ 30 Fo S@l3 fo a g00D pR1z3
And I could read it like it was normal...weird.It took me about 10 minutes to decipher this.