ok now i need help

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AC Members
Feb 25, 2008
Thanks spock !
I think everyone finds the strength after a good cry lol , then i got pissed at the spiders,then came determination not to let these ugly things to rent space in my head .
Tossing everything would have been the easiest ,what suprises me is i usually always take the easiest route,but this time i did not ,which really suprised my hubby .
But i have been doing it slow as to not get burnt out too long(i did burn out for 1 day from stress)
I have tried many many hobbies ,all left incomplete and wasted a lot of money to find it wasnt for me .
Finally after more then 40 years i have found my hobby and having all these problems and dealing with them has confirmed ,THIS IS FOR ME :)
Think i realized it was for me when i finally opened my eyes


AC Members
Feb 25, 2008
Update .
The anemone has been in the QT for 2 weeks and im seeing the odd spider and sucking it out ,I see a couple straglers on the anemone but it just split so i wont touch it for a few weeks .
But today is the first day since this whole thing started that the anemone looks AWESOME !!!
So i think we are almost there .
My friend wants one but no way im letting any go for a good 3 to 4 months as i have to be possitive .
Im not sure yet but i think the anemone has split into 3 .
And i got my new sump today (plastic) as i break glass ,and im going to use the glass one for copepods,.
So sometime this week we will empty the 90gl ,move the tank and set everything up without sand and watch the main tank for spiders for about 4 months b4 i start buying any more coral .
So its nice to finally see an end to this problem :)))))


much more than a hobby to me.
Mar 21, 2008
bradford, ohio
i commend you for your hard work...i am not so sure i would have been driven enough to do what you have done...
i love this hobby, but think i would have become discouraged, cried a lot, a whole lot, boiled all my rock and started over empty with some more tears.