ok now i need help

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AC Members
Feb 25, 2008
Thank you svm... i wanted to post pics but my pc dosnt have a port and my friend had her internet cut off grrrrrrr . maybe i can use her HD then lol
I will send the broken HD in in the next day or 2 ,the great dane broke it lol
YIPPIE anemone looks so good today god im so happy , at 4 am it looked like it was coming around ,but at 2pm he looks so good ..........wait till i feel him up later lol
I will rub them spiders off every 2 days untill he looks 100% AND I SEE NO MORE lol
I was gonna move him to the 20gl just got 2 new mesh baskets to hang ,and the new light , but cant today i baught the wrong light lmao with no atinic what a bummer .
Funny thing i put my cloves in a basket , got some antipasta on them so was gonna get the joe's juice out today ,and i looked and they detached and are now on the mesh lol gives me an idea when i see them on my corals


AC Members
Feb 25, 2008
Update .....
I took the sand out of my QT and scrubbed down one rock , gave the anemone one more rub down and put him in the QT ,he isnt looking too good right now but im sure he will pull through (crossing fingers)
now that the sand is gone i can see when the spiders are in the tank and can suck them out ,i did get about 5 this way .
The clowns have not gone back to the anemone yet ,but they have been through a lot today .
I went to a yard sale today and to my amazment they were selling a tank stand ......woohoooo picked it up for 20 bux ,now hubby can have desk back lol


AC Members
Feb 25, 2008
WOOHOOO i think we did it !!!!!!!!!!!!
The anemone looks so good today the clowns have gone back to him and it is so much easier in the QT ,easier without the sand to see anything.
I do see a couple of the spiders but ill wait a day or so as they are slow breeders anyway but i think we saved him ...........boy im so glad i didnt give up on him .......i was so close to giving up


AC Members
Jan 31, 2008
Good luck. That anemone is a lucky guy he landed in your home.


AC Members
Feb 25, 2008
Thank you guys .
everything almost looks normal ,the anemone did eat a bit of frozen cube ,not much but im happy with that ,he is now moving ,arms are all short ,just waiting to see if he will go back to the way he was ,so i did it without a FW dip ,and i dont think that would have helped ,im just hoping their are no spiders inside of him now .
Now that the stress from him is all but gone we have put up 2 more breeding baskets on tanks,i transferred the cloves to the plastic one now that all the antipasta let go cause they were starved lol , i fed them and will feed them 2 more times b4 they get their rubdowns and into the QT .
I think i found a great way to get them antipasta to let go ,they dont like being in the mesh baskets with no flow let go then attach to the mesh and so easy to suck up with the turkey baster ,i have 2 different kinds of them too grrr ,one escaped me in the QT i will attack him tomorrow tho with joe's juice lol
Today is a GOOD day ,gonna take longer to shut down main tho ,with life and doing it bit by bit is taking longer then i expected.


AC Members
Feb 25, 2008
I am sooo HAPPY .....................
Things are starting to go really well !
I was watching the anemone last night and noticed the arms are looking longer,he has found a spot in the Qt and has stayed put for 3 days , a good sign,i have been blowing water at him with my feeding stick ,and in my night viewing i have found a few spiders crawling and sucked them up fast .
At least i have only found a few .
I scrubbed down the sun coral last night and snipped off a few ver/snails ,and i found some flat worms on a coral batch from main tank ,scrubbed them off and will watch with the mag/glass .I also think i see neudi's on my cloves .
All these things arent good and really sucks but from now on when ever i buy coral they will be fragged and placed on plugs .
I am so happyy that these pesty spiders are coming to an end and the biggest part is now over ,they are so resilliant and the only thing that works well is manual removal .
Going to be a long time in the QT ,to be safe i figure 4 to 6 months .
Which will give me time to clean and restart ,fix the sump and have a baffel made ,and get new stuff !
This has been a good learning experiance !


AC Members
Feb 25, 2008
P.S i have never seen my corals look this good b4 , maybe they needed a toothbrushing .The ones that i saved all look sooo great today