I love looking at pictures, but once I get within sight of ANY spider I freak!!! Nice tarantulas by the way
Sorry. Like I said it is addicting. He has even sucked me into it. He is in an invert club (they call it "The Bug Club" for short ). He wants me to go and I tell him no. I don't want to be turned to the creepy side, I'm living on the edge as it is.yeah, i guess it's no different than my fish tank collection, the containers are just smaller and don't need to be filtered so you can get more of them. very interesting. also just fyi hubby is standing behind me asking if he can have some too....aarrggh!
Nope. He wants to breed a couple of his spiders, but he'll loan them out to a friend that does breed them. I put my foot down on breeding and raising a roach colony to feed the spiders. He can tell me until he is blue in the face that they are not the same common roaches that are found in homes, but I'm not having that. I hate crickets but I can deal with them.they look so neat and clean in their bookshelf. do you breed them
thanks..! my pterinochilus was a littly shy as well, but she would come out of hiding to catch a mean quite often... and i did enjoy the web maze she created.. very cool, i think..!That's awesome picture. We have the pterinochilus murinus as well but I have to say I'm disappointed in ours. We never ever see it. Once I saw legs. I know that it eats because the crickets are gone the next day.
we had gotten ours about about a half inch.. and it grew pretty quick.. it got up to about 3 1/2" before she was sold.. and it kinda got really crazy as it got bigger.. very fast.I can't believe our grammostola aureostriata. We got her when she was about 1.5" and now she is about 4". We now have 100 tarantulas 4 scorpions and one a red trapdoor spider (Ctenolophus sp.)