ok a bit of an update :
BOG WOOD! is still a pain in the backside! been soaking now for ages, every night i replace the water in the bucket with boiling hot water out of the ketle and still it clouds the water in the bucket
will it ever be ready......stupid thing!
i bought some new fishies yesterday !
A rather beautiful red/white/red swordtail which i am told was bread by a local breeder and is quite a rare one, i dont really care about this but he is lovley and has made friends with my platties.
A female bristlenose, she is very cute about 4cm long and is hungry, lol been eating my algae from the glass all night, came downstairs this morning and it was sparking!
and last but not least a Female Siamese fighter, she is purple/blue/red coloured and is very shy and likes hideing in the plants but my gourami is chaseing her a bit
but hopefully they will get on better after a few days.
i will post some pics up this weekend.