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  1. C98Hall

    Can someone ID this cichlid for me?

    I am interested if someone can positively ID this cichlid for me. The LFS had a couple but I want to make sure I know what I am bringing home. Thanks! Sorry for the horrible pictures, I took them with my cell phone.
  2. C98Hall

    10g plant problem

    Paint the inside of the hood white. It is actually a better reflector than almost anything you can do.
  3. C98Hall

    Soupysteve's 40gallon breeder journal

    You know that both otos and plecos eat algae, right? Are you supplementing their diet with any vegetables or wafers?
  4. C98Hall

    FS Black Friday Give away and blow out Sale

    I will take group 36 please.
  5. C98Hall

    Help required with water quality issue....

    I think it is just cycling. How did you cycle before adding the fish? If you did a fishless cycle, perhaps the bioload of the fish is larger than what you had cycled for so the tank is going through a mini cycle.
  6. C98Hall


    The window screen would be under the gravel, between the gravel and the eggcrate.
  7. C98Hall


    I have a ~30 gallon hex tank (10 inches a side and about 24 inches deep). It is currently empty, no substrate or anything. I have an AC100 filter on it, but I am afraid there is not enough circulation at the bottom, so while it is empty I am going to put in an RUGF. I was thinking about using...
  8. C98Hall

    building a moss wall for a 125 gallon tank

    Wow it's really starting to come in. Looks great, good job!
  9. C98Hall

    35 gallon hex stocking

    I figured I wouldn't be able to do a true biotope tank, but hey I live in MS, not like we have a lot of native African cichlids anyways. Will shell dwellers do fine with a larger gravel substrate? Really, I am not opposed to having just a few fish, as my 20 long neon tetra tank has plenty of...
  10. C98Hall

    35 gallon hex stocking

    Hey all, I have a 35 gallon hexagonal aquarium that is currently empty :( I already have a 20 long and a 10 gallon community tanks, so I was thinking about doing cichlids. I would prefer to go with some of the Lake Tangwhatsitcalled fish, preferably the rock dwellers, the julies. However, I...
  11. C98Hall

    Just starting out...

    Wow guys thanks for all your help. Looks like I have some reading to do!
  12. C98Hall

    Just starting out...

    Hey guys, I just picked up a used 35 gallon hex and stand at a garage sale, and am thinking of doing a FOWLR tank. I have 2 freshwater tanks currently, so I think SW would be an interesting change. However, I have no idea where to start, or what kind of fish/inverts I could put or would need...
  13. C98Hall

    Driftwood Question

    I came in here to say that, just be aware that it might cause problems.
  14. C98Hall

    need co2 info!

    Read the stickies and other threads in the "Aquatic Plants" subforum. Good luck!
  15. C98Hall

    What cories are these?

    Thanks everyone, the new arrivals seem to be acclimating well to the tank so I will take some more pictures this evening and post them for further review :dance2:
  16. C98Hall

    What cories are these?

    Ha thanks, I got them home from the store and turned the tank lights out. I thought they were trili too but they have a dark patch around the front of the head/eye.
  17. C98Hall

    What cories are these?

    Hey guys I was wondering if you could identify these cories for me. I thought they were Three-Striped cories but they are much bigger than my other ones. I realize the picture doesn't show the comparison, but I'll try to snap another one. Thanks.
  18. C98Hall

    DIY Tank Stand (36"L x 18"D x 30") for 40 Gallon Breeder Tank

    Wow that looks really good. What kind of doors are you going to put on the front of the stand?
  19. C98Hall

    light timer woes...

    Is the switch on the light in the on position?