Tetra with shimmies?

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AC Members
Mar 21, 2020
Lol, my mollies did that, which was what started the fry tank.
Lol ye. Literally i never had any luck with mollys. They die on me or get many issues and get sick over time. They always seem to be the most affected by gill flukes and internal worms/parasites.
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Mar 10, 2020
Brent, AL, US
Real Name
Lol ye. Literally i never had any luck with mollys. They die on me or get many issues and get sick over time. They always seem to be the most affected by gill flukes and internal worms/parasites.
Wow, really? I did have trouble with mollies years ago, but I think the water wasn't right. The only one that lived for quite a while was the one that was born into the tank.

These mollies...I had a male & female & put them in with a tetra, & the female basically killed it...she was very aggressive, so they stayed in that tank quite a while. But after she had a bunch of babies, & I was wanting to make that tank a quarantine tank, I took both of them & most of the babies to the store. I kept 2 female babies & 1 male, & they haven't given me any trouble, that I know of. My guppies have tiny bits missing from their tails, but it's not a constant thing, & Idk if it's the guppies nipping eachother, cause that was happening before the mollies were put in.
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AC Members
Mar 10, 2020
Brent, AL, US
Real Name
First two i lost to misinformation, next two i lost to dropsy and the five one i lost to unknown reason. So i given up and moved to sparkling gouramies now who i bred now successfully.

That's rough...but good you found something that worked out.

Bettas are so pretty, but I know I probably wouldn't do good with them. I also really like saltwater fish, but a freshwater aquarium is hard enough...
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AC Members
Mar 21, 2020
Yeah, i guess it just how overbred bettas r.

they r so pretty, so derpy cuties. I think you would do great with them, whatever serious happen to yours it not ur fault. It just how overbred they r :)
I like salt water to but unfortunately is hard yes and just expensive. I tend to struggle with fresh water to.
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Apr 2, 2002
New York
The fact that the fish is not eating makes me thing we are talking something digestive. But this also limits the potential types of treatments that can be used.

Some folks believe that Epsom salts will relieve constipation in fish, other do not. The Problem with using Epsom is that it makes the water harder fast. So using this with fish which naturally prefer softer water and lower pH can react poorly.

The only fish I have treated with Epsom was a swordtail. I was not sure if it was constipated or fry bound. I combined salt and Epsom and after a few weeks it was back to normal with one exception. It was a Fm fish and, after it recovered, it never gave birth again. If I were to suggest this sort of thing, I am not sure for your fish if a lower level treatment in the H tank or a stronger treatment as a dip in a bath would be the best alternative if doing this.

Next, I cannot say why your fish is plugged up which means I cannot say what might be a good treatment. There is always a chance it recovers on its own, especially if it is just garden variety constipation from over eating or eating the wrong thing. But that is a somewhat longshot.

If you are putting it into the 10 gal., if you have some fakes plants, add a few. Being able to hide lets the fish feel safe, which means less stress. Hopefully, you will see any poop or expelled worms if there is any of either.

Adult fish in good shape can go some time without eating. Years back I purchased a lot of used tanks and equipment from a cichlid breeder whose back surgery forced him out of the hobby. He needed to sell everything, especially the fish. They did not move out fast. He had stopped feeding the tanks. I visited several times over about 5 weeks to negotiate and then to pickup a pair of 6 foot tanks and all the equipment with them. His fish were always there and mostly still alive.

In your case, if the fish does not get better and resume eating, it will weaken and die. So, you may have to use the "take your best shot" treatment methodology.