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  1. Jaysn

    I.D. this (algae?) problem...

    That looks like it could be briopsis. Look for some close up shots, and see if you can make a match. If so, I had good luck getting rid of it using elevated mag levels with Kent Tech M. There's a huge RC thread on it you can look for. My shrooms and zoos were a little upset at me while I was...
  2. Jaysn

    How to keep water about 1.004 or so?

    It's also going to depend on what brand of salt you are using and if it's been left open to the air (it will absorb moisture). For a while, I was able to get right to 1.005 by adding 13 Tbs and 2 tsp of Oceanic salt (216 grams I think) per 5 gallons of water. I've since changed to Reef...
  3. Jaysn


    uh, 1, I think. :)
  4. Jaysn

    What Kind of Computer Species Are you?

    For years I was the guy you all called when you had problems. If I ever call PC support it's for an RMA.
  5. Jaysn

    What Kind of Computer Species Are you?

    None of the above, I don't need to ever call tech support :)
  6. Jaysn

    Problems with Java Fern

    Java fern is a pretty slow grower. Older leaves will start to develop black spots, and sometimes new plantlets will grow from these.
  7. Jaysn

    What kind of cell phone do you have, and show us a pic!

    I have a Blackberry Curve titanium, I got it and a new Hotspots @Home router recently. I also have a brand new razr2 I'm about to put on ebay, and a Nokia 9200 series communicator :)
  8. Jaysn

    Bumblebees are still out

    My hive is in for the year it seems, but I saw one flying around yesterday at work.
  9. Jaysn

    New Toy - SideKick LX

    Very cool. I've been reviewing web content for that device for a few days. :) I like blackberrys too much though, so I got a curve.
  10. Jaysn

    I need a wall of tanks... any suggestions?

    I found some nice looking shelves at costco, they have 5 shelves that you can place at any height you want, they claim to hold 1500 pounds each, and they were only $50!!! I have two sets, one holds my 20 gal brackish and two 10 gal qt tanks, and the other holds my sump and ballast tank in my...
  11. Jaysn

    what would bones do in a aquarium?

    You could also seal them if you're worried about anything leeching out. Use fiberglass resin or some other epoxy that is known to be tank safe. Post pics if you use them, I'm interested to see what you'll do with them!
  12. Jaysn

    My boots came in, hooray.....

    They'd be a lot cooler without the harley logo. Nice looking boots though, are they comfy?
  13. Jaysn

    Venus Flytraps!!!!

    I've never had good luck keeping them, or any carnivorous plants, alive :(
  14. Jaysn

    I feal really bad (long post)

    I put a piece of plastic cross-stitch fabric in the end of my python to keep fish, snails, or whatever from being sucked up. I took a square that was a bit larger than the opening, and cut it to fit. It doesn't seem to effect suction, and gives me piece of mind that I won't send a fish down...
  15. Jaysn

    Peacock Eels?

    For medication purposes I've always treated them as scaleless fish.
  16. Jaysn

    must make for some very confused birds!!

    Is that a photoshop?
  17. Jaysn

    I need HELP!

    I picked up a refractometer on ebay for $40 shipped that is very nice; it's a milled chunk of aluminum and is auto-temp correcting. I tested it with pinpoint calibration solution when I got it and it was right on.
  18. Jaysn

    More baby Bangais!!!

  19. Jaysn

    Any reason not to put an opal in my tank?

    Maybe try putting some vinegar on it somewhere to see if it dissolves. That's a pretty standard test for wild rocks from what I've read. I'd try it on the bottom somewhere so if it does dissolve a bit you won't ruin your piece.
  20. Jaysn

    Feeder fish dying off in bursts!?

    That's a sign of burns, I'd personally do PWCs until ites are down below .25. Do you have some filter media from another tank you can use to seed this one? Before you added this batch of 125, had you kept anything else in the tub?